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Updated: August 19, 2024

"'Sartainly, said I, 'any thin' you please: I leave it entirely to you; jist name what you think proper, and I will liquidate it. "'I said, I knew you would behave like a gentleman, Sir, sais he, 'for, sais I, don't talk to me of law, name it to the gentleman, and he'll do what is right; he'll behave liberal, you may depend. "'You said right, sais I, 'and now, Sir, what's the damage?

"I rather guess Lela Barker is some smit on him, too," put in Sile Crane. "That's sorter natteral, seein' as how he rescued her from drowndin' when she was carried over the dam on a big ice-cake in the Jinuary freshet. That sartainly made him the hero of Oakdale, and us fellers who'd been sayin' he was a fake had to pull in our horns."

"I'm right down pleased to meet you, Mistress Blythe; and I hope you'll be as happy as the first bride was who came here. I can't wish you no better than THAT. But your husband doesn't introduce me jest exactly right. 'Captain Jim' is my week-a-day name and you might as well begin as you're sartain to end up calling me that. You sartainly are a nice little bride, Mistress Blythe.

If he gets across the lake and warns the folks at Old Ti, I'll never forgive myself for not sitting down here and watching him all the time." "He sartainly should have been watched," admitted 'Siah. "But I didn't b'lieve he had the pluck to git away. See here! The thongs are wet with the man's blood. He must ha' cut himself badly." "We must find him, 'Siah!

What do you think, stranger? "'Sartainly, said Squatter; 'but seein' that the man had a vow, why it warn't his fault, for he couldn't do nothin' else. Where he did wrong, was to look back; if he hadn't a looked back, he wouldn't have sinned. "'Well, well, sais Cran, 'if that's the case, it is a hoss of another colour, that. I won't look back nother, then. Let him he.

"Well, what's the matter, girl?" "Would you do murder?" "Sartainly not, Hannah; but I will kill the villain as wronged Nora wherever I find him, as I would a mad dog." "It would be the same thing! It would be murder!" "No, it wouldn't, Hannah. It would be honest killing.

"But, Missa Gladding, you promise to stand by me if dis scrape go any furder." "Sartainly," answered Tom, "I never left a friend in the lurch, I tell you." "Gib us you hand on dat." Tom extended a great sledge-hammer fist, and the two shook hands in sign of inviolable fidelity. "Now," said Tom, "I guess, I'll make myself scarce.

"I thought, your honour, as how Jack Fuller, who sartainly is a better hand at a snooze than a watch, had got into a bit of a mess; but, shiver my topsails, if I think it's quite fair to blame him, neither, for clapping a stopper on the Indian's cable, seeing as how he was expecting a shot between wind and water.

"'No, no, not that, it's an island on the coast of Nova Scotia. You know where that is sartainly. "'I never heard of it, Sir. "'Well, Lord love you! you know what an old seal is? "'Oh, yes, sir, I'll get you my master's in a moment. And off he sot full chisel.

"She sartainly sucks hard, sir," said Blunt, straightening his broad back and taking out a huge plug of tobacco. "If that there mud sticks to th' ship like it stuck to this yer mudhook, then we'll need sheer-legs to raise her, Cap'n."

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