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Updated: August 14, 2024

You you " He glared at them malevolently, searching his mind for an epithet sufficiently vile, and, finding it, spat it out "dressmakers!" So this was why both Stark and Runnion had gone up the creek with the three new men, thought Burrell.

He began to resent it keenly. Even Doret and the trader seemed to share the general feeling, hence the thought of the long, lonesome winter approaching reduced the Lieutenant to a state of black despondency, deepened by the knowledge that he now had an open enemy in camp in the person of Runnion. Then, too, he had taken a morbid dislike to the new man, Stark.

"Well, she's mighty pretty," agreed the other, "most too pretty for a mixed blood, but you can't make that Frenchman believe she's wrong." "Why, he believes it now," chuckled Runnion, "or at least he's jealous, and that's just as good. Those two will have trouble before dark. I wish they would then I'd have a chance." "Have you got your eye on her, too?" "Sure! Do you blame me?"

"Let him alone; you've nearly killed him; that's enough." Whereat Runnion, broken in body and spirit, began to beg for his life. "Wat's dat you say jus' now?" Doret asked the girl. "Was dat de truth for sure w'at you speak?" "Yes, but you've done your work. Don't touch him again." He hesitated, and Runnion, quick to observe it, added his entreaty to hers. "I'm beaten, Doret.

Back in the store there was silence after the priest and the soldier went out, which Gale broke at last: "This forgiveness talk is all right, I suppose but I WANT RUNNION!" "We'll git him, too," growled Lee, at which Poleon uttered a curt exclamation: "No!" "Why not?" said the miner.

It couldn't be if this were Runnion he would have spoken before! She ventured again, tremulously: "Have you any idea what time it is?" "About three o'clock. I fancy." "Who are you?" The question came like a shot. "Don't you know?" "What are YOU doing here, Mr. Runnion?" "I'm rowing," he answered, carelessly. "Why didn't you speak?"

It was a long shot, and had been fired as a final warning; but Doret made no outcry, nor did he cease coming; instead, his paddle clove the water with the same steady strokes that took every ounce of effort in his body. Runnion threw open his gun and replaced the spent shell. On came the careening, crazy craft in a sidewise drift, and with it the girl saw coming a terrible tragedy.

The three of them were alone, and only the sound of Gale's axe came to them; but at the light in the Canadian's face Runnion hastily disclaimed any such thought on his part, and Stark shrugged his denial. "I don' know you feller' at all," continued Poleon, "but Ole Man Gale, he's my frien', so I guess you don' better talk no more lak' dat." "Don't get sore," said Stark.

"We've just fixed it so you can't," grinned Runnion, cunningly. "No man can hold more than one claim on a creek. You voted for that yourself." Too late, Gale saw the trick by which Stark had used him to rob his own daughter.

I staked those claims for Miss Gale, and I'll deed them to her when she turns eighteen." Poleon Doret called to Runnion: "M'sieu, you 'member w'at I tol' you yestidday? I'm begin for t'ink it's goin' be you." The man paled in his anger, but said nothing. Necia clapped her hands gleefully.

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