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Updated: August 3, 2024

Mr. Purcey said: "That's rippin' of you!" A postman, dog, and baker's cart, all hurrying at top speed, seemed to stand still; Cecilia felt the wind beating her cheeks. She gave a little laugh. "You must just take me home, please." Mr. Purcey touched the chauffeur's elbow. "Round the park," he said. "Let her have it." The A.i. Damyer uttered a tiny shriek.

That though all Andy's trouble came from the railroad he claims to belong to it as one of its 'boys. He's rippin', Andy is. He told father 't he 'teached school' himself, once! But he got so tired of it that the sight of a spelling-book made him sick." "It does me, too," said Alfy, with sympathy. "So he 'cut and run, and rode on trains in every direction as long as his money held out.

Warrington told it simply, as if it were a great joke. "Rippin'! By Jove, you Americans are hard customers to put over. I suppose you'll be setting out for the States at once?" with a curious glance. "I haven't made any plans yet," eying the cheroot thoughtfully. "I see." The purser nodded. It was not difficult to understand. "Well, good luck to you wherever you go." "Much obliged."

Well, I do play tennis, or rather, I used to play fairly well some years ago " "By gad! just what I thought. Go slow in your practice games, Miss Wynton, an' you'll have a rippin' handicap." "Would that be quite honest?" said Helen, lifting her steadfast brown eyes to meet his somewhat too free scrutiny. "Honest? Rather!

Three dogs two fox-terriers and a decrepit Skye circled round uneasily, smelling at the visitors' napkins. And there went up a hum of talk in which sentences like these could be distinguished: "Rippin' stand that, by the wood. D'you remember your rockettin' woodcock last year, Jerry?" "And the dear old Squire never touched a feather! Did you, Squire?" "Dick Dick! Bad dog! come and do your tricks.

"B-Bully's fairly on the job, Speug, and he's j-just itching to have a bat himself. Say, Speug, if we get badly licked, he'll be ill again; but if we p-pull it off, I bet he'll give a rippin' old supper." News spread through the town that the Seminary was to fight the "Bumbees" for the glory of the Fair City, and enthusiasm began to kindle in all directions.

I take it that all of us want to serve Texas in one way or another, but we've got only three horses, we're about out of food, an' we're a long distance from the main Texas settlements. It ain't any use fur us to start to rippin' an' t'arin' unless we've got somethin' to rip an' t'ar with." "Good words," said Obed White. "A speech in time saves errors nine."

"If you want Turkish baths," said a tall youth with clean red face, who had come into the room, and stood, his mouth a little open, and long feet jutting with sweet helplessness in front of him, "you should go, you know, to Buda Pesth; most awfully rippin' there." Shelton saw an indescribable appreciation rise on every face, as though they had been offered truffles or something equally delicious.

I sees a comp'ny o' thim divils mustered on the bog, I mane the veld, sorr smokin' their pipes an' passin' the bottle, an' givin' the overlook to a gang av odthers, that was rippin' up the rails undher the directions av a head-gaffer wid a hat brim like me granny's tay-thray, an' a beard like the Prophet Moses."

"Give the word and we'll run 'em out," said one of his men. "Every son-of-a-gun of 'em." Williams shook his head. "No, that won't do. W've got to go slow in rippin' these squatters out o' their holes. They anchor right down to the roots of the tree of life. I reckon we've got to let 'em creep in; we'll scare 'em all we can before they settle, but when they settle we've got to go around 'em.

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