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You'll find about seven million dollars' worth of stuff to your credit when you endorse the certified checks down at Grant & Ripley's, my boy. It's all here and in the banks. "It's a mighty decent sort of wedding gift, I reckon. "The lawyers told me all about you. Told me all about last night, and that you were going to be married this morning.

Ripley's crew were now all of them in the shack, crowding the little place. "What is it that you're scheming to do, anyway?" leered Fred, enjoying the looks of dismay on the faces of Dick & Co. "See here, don't you little boys think that it's about time for you all to line up and start a footrace out of these woods?" "No; we don't," Dick retorted defiantly.

Ripley's spiritual gifts, let no person think that I underestimate the mission he undertook or the work he accomplished in his devotion to the master, Fourier. Certainly he deserves very great credit, and there are those who, deep in their hearts, cherish most profound gratitude to him and his memory.

"We won't make a solitary promise. It may depend on how you act, Hen. Now, is there anything more you ought to tell us about what Fred Ripley's crowd intends to do?" "No-o-o. I don't believe so." "Who's with Fred Ripley?" "Bert Dodge." "Who else?" Hen named five other young fellows, two of whom were rather worthless High School sophomores.

We travelled slowly, day by day, until I saw the mountains lift blue against the western sky, and the sight of them was like home once more. I loved them; and though I thought with sadness of my father, I was on the whole happier with Polly Ann than I had been in the lonely cabin on the Yadkin. Her spirits flagged a little as she drew near home, but old Mr. Ripley's rose.

For Dick was not exactly rushing, now. He was merely fighting in close, remembering that he had two striking hands, and that feinting was sometimes useful. "A-a-a-h!" The murmur went up, eagerly, as the onlookers saw Prescott land his right fist in solid impact against Ripley's right eye. Bump!

"And you've broken one cad's heart today." "I'm sorry if I have," declared Dick, frankly, generously. "I wouldn't have had any heart in the fight if he hadn't started in to humiliate me. I wouldn't have cared so much for that, either. But he started to say something nasty about my parents, and I have as good parents as ever a boy had. Then I felt I simply had to fit a plug between Ripley's teeth."

I am not ashamed to own it now. In the smoky haze that rises just before night lets her curtain fall, we descended the farther slope, and came to Mr. Ripley's cabin. Polly Ann lived alone with her grandfather, her father and mother having been killed by Indians some years before. There was that bond between us, had we needed one.

It was Squire Ripley's voice, though the lawyer himself could not be seen as yet. "Yes, sir; your son is here," Dick answered. "Come and see just how he is here!" "Get your dog off quickly, Hazelton!" urged Fred. But Harry, at a slight sign from Dick, didn't stir or open his mouth to call off his dog. Through the brush came the sound of hurried steps. Then Lawyer Ripley stepped into the group.

Then he turned to his nurse with an impatient tone, as he searched hurriedly among the papers on his desk: "Find out what day I set for young Mrs. Van Ripley's operation." "Tuesday, sir," answered the nurse. "Then make it Thursday, and tell James to pack up my big valise and see that my golf things are in it and aboard the 9.18 in the morning."