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"It would be wiser," said Lantier slyly, "to get rid of the lease if you could find someone to take it. When you are both decided to give up the shop " She interrupted him more violently: "At once, at once! Ah! it'll be a good riddance!" Then the hatter became very practical. On giving up the lease one would no doubt get the new tenant to be responsible for the two overdue quarters.

Dinky-Dunk, as we sat down on the dry grass and ate together, said it was a good riddance, and he was just saying I could only have the left-hand side of his mouth to kiss for the next week when he suddenly dropped his piece of custard-pie, stood up and stared toward the east. I did the same, wondering what had happened.

Uncle Mathew half rose from his chair in his astonishment. "That fellow dead! Well, I'm damned, indeed I am. That fellow ! Well, there's a good riddance! I know it isn't good form to speak about a man who's kicked the bucket otherwise than kindly, but he was a weight on my chest that fellow was, with his long white beard and his soft voice ... Well, well. To be sure!

Mathews. "And good riddance for the Committee," answered that gentleman, heartily. "He got to the fleet in fine season to get a round shot in the middle. David," said he, solemnly, "remember it never pays to try to be two things at once." "I'll warrant he stayed below water," said Mr. Mathews. "But what shall we do with the lad?" "I'll take him to my house for the night," said Mr.

Yes; the former country lout, the narrow zealot, the untutored slave groping about in the dark after silly superstitions, cringing at the scowl of mean Pierces and Winches, was dead. There was an end of him, and good riddance.

I didn't think so.... So Shadd went over the cliff. That's good riddance. It beats me, though. Never knew that Piute's like with a horse. And he had some grand horses in his outfit. Pity about them." Later when Joe had a moment alone with Shefford he explained that during his ride to Kayenta he had realized Fay's innocence and who had been responsible for the tragedy.

'Tis gone, so let us cry good riddance to it and be off. So he turned to go back, and there was one more chance for me to choose the better way and go with him; but still I could not give the jewel up, and must go farther on the other path which led to ruin for us both.

"It's a pity the War didn't knock that on the head. He's taking after his father, I'm afraid." "I don't know anything about his father." "No," said Soames grimly. "He took an interest in horses and broke his neck in Paris, walking down-stairs. Good riddance for your aunt."

This contemptible desertion of the commander in chief was not generally known in his fleet; as for the disappearance of the Egyptian squadron, it was doubtless regarded as a good riddance. The battle, therefore, went on as stubbornly as ever.

I expect the 'real' David Williams, as you call him, died from neglected wounds or typhoid or recovered and took to drink, or went up country and got knocked on the head by the natives for interfering with their women Good riddance of bad rubbish, I expect. What do you want me to do? I'll swear to anything in reason." Vivie: "I want you to do this. It'll give verisimilitude to my stories.