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The others were untouched. Percy shook with fright and excitement. Lane was boiling with anger. "Let's take the Barracouta and follow 'em!" he proposed. "Cool off, Budge!" laughed Jim. "That's just a parting salute. Besides, they've got two guns to our one. Let 'em go! And good riddance to bad rubbish! See! They're on their way now!" The sloop's head swung to the north and she filled away.

Alone, the members of the Alpha and Omega Club, thanks to the benign influence of Parker's poison, received the successive waves of information with composure, and preserved from beginning to end their sense of proportion. "Heard the news? Muhlen's bolted." "I thought he would." "They say he owes a good deal." "Obviously. Else he wouldn't have bolted. Good riddance, anyhow." "That's what I say.

And then his heart had received so many blows it had no power left to resist the depressing effect of his disorder. He took no exercise; he ate little food. He lay, listless and dejected, about the deck, and let disease do what it pleased with him. The surgeon shook his head and told Hudson the parson was booked. "And good riddance of bad rubbish!" was that worthy's gracious comment.

While the son was thus desiring a good riddance of the man he had brought into the house, and to whom Barbara was so much indebted, the mother was pondering the same thing. She was growing more and more uncomfortable at the possibilities.

With very bad grace the official wrote down something on a pad, tore the page off and thrust it at Richard. "I hope you're satisfied," he snapped to Doc Linyard; and taking up Mr. Joyce's valise he entered an inner room, slamming the door behind him. "Good riddance to him," muttered the old tar. "A few brass buttons on his coat has turned his head."

He prepared to entreat and argue, but before he could utter a word, the boughs behind them parted and Captain Anthony stepped down from the bank. "I've been listening," he announced coolly, "and I think it high time I took a share in the conversation. You seem to have run up against a snag, Mr. Douglas. You say Frank Harmon is dead. That's good riddance if it's true. Is it true?"

Well, she's gone, an' good riddance to bad rubbish, say I! One less mouth to feed, an' one less body to clothe. You'll miss her jest at first, on account o' there bein' no other women-folks on the hill, but 't won't last long. I'll have Bill Morrill do some o' your outside chores, so 't you can take on your sister's work, if she ever done any."

The riddance of this class of niggers would be an essential benefit to our slaves, as upon account of their influence our negro-laws are made more stringent. And the worst of it is that they increase faster. But we make it a principal point to get all the free men we can married to slaves, and the free women run off.

"If you look amiss, it is because you don't dress properly; that is all I said." "I dress as I please, and no doubt I do so well enough, since I'm loved as I am." "What, really! Does someone love you? Well, let him inform us of it and marry you." "Yes certainly, certainly! It will be a good riddance, won't it? And you'll have the pleasure of seeing me as a bride!"

Compelled to think of them as not serious members of our group, he assisted at the crush-room exit, and the happy riddance of the beautiful cousins dedicated to the merry London midnights' further pastures. Fleetwood's word was extracted, that he would visit the 'palazzo' within a couple of hours. Potts exclaimed: 'Good. You promise.