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Kennon checked in at the commandant's office before he left for the main island. "How is Douglas?" he asked. "He's alive," Mullins said. "We flew him to Albertsville and good riddance. How are the Lani?" "They'll be all right," Kennon said. "It's just food poisoning. I suggest you check your kitchen and your food handlers. There's a break in sanitation that could incapacitate your whole command.

"Good riddance!" shouted my uncle, seeing me off into the night. On the face of it our row was preposterous, but the underlying reality of our quarrel was the essential antagonism, it seemed to me, in all human affairs, the antagonism between ideas and the established method, that is to say, between ideas and the rule of thumb.

Then your name's what is it again? Hackh, isn't it? Heywood's mine. So you take Zimmerman's place. He's off already, and good riddance. He was a bounder! Charming spot you've come to! I daresay if your Fliegelmans opened a hong in hell, you might possibly get a worse station." Without change of manner, he uttered a few gabbling, barbaric words.

That fellow Carlisle good riddance of him from the army even confessed he engaged in a game of cards " their heads bent together "in short, the devil is to pay with the administration if this gets out. We can't banish her again. But how can we with dignity even it with her, so she will make no talk? If she likes, she can ruin us, because Carlisle can't be kept silent, now he's out of the army.

The departed wasn't no good, and the hull town knowed it; and Elmira orter feel like it's good riddance of bad rubbish and them is my sentiments and the sentiments of rightfulness." All the other women sings out: "W'y, MIS' PRIMROSE! I never!" And they seemed awful shocked. But down in underneath more of em agreed than let on.

Before mounting my gry, however, I bethought me to ask what could have induced the dead woman to make away with herself a thing so uncommon amongst Romanies; whereupon one squinted with his eyes, a second spirted saliver into the air, and a third said that he neither knew nor cared; she was a good riddance, having more than once been nearly the ruin of them all, from the quantity of brimstone she carried about her.

"Good riddance to Monsieur Savary dit Detricand, and good welcome to the Comte de Tournay," answered Guida, trying hard to humour Carterette, that she should sooner hear the news yet withheld. "And what follows after?" Carterette was half sorry that her great moment had come. She wished she could have linked out the suspense longer.

"Christian," said the Duke, "thou art the most barefaced villain who ever breathed." "Of a commoner, I may," answered Christian, and led his daughter out of the presence. "See after him, Selby," said the King; "lose not sight of him till the ship sail; if he dare return to Britain, it shall be at his peril. Would to God we had as good riddance of others as dangerous!

'Good riddance to bad rubbish' is the general verdict. I can stay here a year or so, and then, being dead and forgotten, can go back to civilization and hustle for myself. BUT a woman is at the bottom of my trouble, and I never want to see another. So, if my staying here depends upon my seeing them, I guess, as I've said twice already, 'you'll have to hire another boy." He, too, rose.

'I have been in this house waiting on my young lady a dozen year and I won't stop in it one hour under notice from a person owning to the name of Pipchin trust me, Mrs P. 'A good riddance of bad rubbish! said that wrathful old lady. 'Get along with you, or I'll have you carried out!