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It was a good riddance of bad rubbish anyhow, and we didn't want to hold 'em back for one minute." The return journey was easily accomplished, with Max to lead the way, swinging one of the lighted lanterns in his hand.

He argued, as he explained at his trial for murder, 'If this man is the genuine article, well and good, no harm done. If he is not well, it's a good riddance! On repairing to the spot next morning, and pulling up his night-line, he found that the magician had failed to 'make his magic good, and was quite dead. The constable's punishment was twelve months' hard labour.

The act was neither indignant nor vengeful; the frequency of such scenes had blunted their sting. She was probably "tired" of the quarrel, and ended it rudely. Her father, however, let fly a Parthian arrow. "Ye needn't think I'm goin' to wait for ye, ez I hev! Ye've got to keep tetch with the team, or get left. And a good riddance of bad rubbidge."

A mere philosopher, that should make little account of religion, otherwise than as capable of being applied to enforce and aggravate the sense of obligation with respect to rules of conduct, and would not, provided it may have this effect, care much about its truth or falsehood, might be disposed to assert that the ignorant and debased part of the population, of this Christian and Protestant country, are but so much the worse for the riddance of some parts of the superstitions of former ages.

"I think the captain is getting rid of old Grinder," was the whispered reply. "He's afraid we'd go out and give him three groans when he left." "I see. Well, it's best to let him go quietly. Good riddance to him." "That's what all the boys say, although some are sorry he had the fit." "So am I sorry; but he brought it on himself."

"Very well," said Sam, "go to sleep again, then. If he has gone home it is a good riddance of very bad rubbish." Sam was not by any means satisfied that Jake had gone home, however. Indeed he was pretty well convinced that he had done nothing of the sort, and he wished for a chance to think, so that he might determine what was best to be done.

For a moment their glances met, and for the first time in his spoilt and pampered life Jimmy Challoner saw hatred looking at him through a woman's eyes. It drove the hot blood to his head; he was unnerved with the shock he had suffered that evening. For a moment he saw the world red; he lifted his clenched fist. "Go, then and a damned good riddance!" "Jimmy!"

"You have had the kindness not to delay me," he said, pressing the hand of his young 'confrere', "but I feel that I must hurry. 'Au revoir'." A good riddance! This babbling gave Saniel the vertigo. He must recover himself, look the situation in the face, and consider that which might, which must, happen. The situation was plain; Madame Dammauville's cry revealed it.

Good riddance, of course." "If she was capable of treating you badly, of course it was well to have her do so in time," she agreed; "but I suppose those things cut deep with a boy," she added gently. She had a maternal instinct to put out a comforting hand, and say "never mind."

His former friends think him a good riddance, and his new friends are cold and strange; and as to the impartial public, their very first impulse is to impute the change to some eccentricity of character, or fickleness of mind, or tender attachment, or private interest. Their utmost praise is the reluctant confession that "doubtless he is very sincere."