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Updated: August 22, 2024

"Good-day, Miss Langdon!" says she, with a kind of a snuffle, "how dew you dew? I thought I'd come and see how you kep' up under this here affliction. I rec'lect very well how I felt when husband died. It's a dreadful thing to be left a widder in a hard world; don't you find it out by this?"

Empty he went away and empty he has returned." "So fur, so good. Two more are left out, an' it'll now be time fur them to come trampin' back." "Be patient, Jim, be patient." "I am, but you must rec'lect, Paul, that thar comin' back soon means the life uv a man, a man that's one uv us five, an' that we could never furgit ef so be the Injuns took him."

"I used to think a good deal about such things when I was younger, and I'm free to say I took more stock in dreams and such like than I do now. I rec'lect old Parson Lorimer this Parson Lorimer's father who was settled here first spoke to me once about it, and said it was a tempting of Providence, and that we hadn't no right to pry into secrets.

"Aye, aye," he answered, quite collectedly, "I grant I were young, but then you must rec'lect, my lad, I got the flavour o' the sea early in a lighthouse tower, where I was born and brought up, my father having the lantern to mind; and, since then, I've v'y'ged a'most to every part you could mention, and shipped in a'most every kind of craft, from an East Indyman down to a Yarmouth hoy.

And it chanced that they knocked at the Bournes' door just after Ben Helders had driven away with the little boy, so that the men found the family still in the presence of the little tree. "Hello," said Simeon, aghast, "Christmassing away all by yourselves, I'll be bound, like so many thieves. I rec'lect not seeing your names on the paper." "No, I didn't sign," Ellen said.

The' was a number o' verses which carried 'em through the rest o' the week, an' ended up in a case of 'sault an' battery, I rec'lect, but I don't remember jest how. Somethin' we ben sayin' put the thing into my head, I guess." "I should like to hear the rest of it," said John, smiling. David made no reply to this, and seemed to be turning something over in his mind.

"O let's see him," cried Nan, with lively interest. "You all is gwine to leab him alone " began the mountain, when Mandy turned ponderously in her direction. "Will you, Martha Jane Jenkins, please kindly rec'lect dat you is 'sociatin' wid quality now, an' take a good care how you talk, though sholy it may be de fus time dat you has ebber been in good sassity "

Well, there she laid for weeks, half-ways between dead an' alive, an' me like a feller in a dream, thinkin' an' thinkin', an' not able to rec'lect anything but the hammerin's I used to give her, an' the things I used to take off of her, an' set her cryin'. I would n't go through that lot agen, not if I got a pension for it.

"She'd taught him to call her mother she'd had him about six months then an' some thought that was queer to do, seein' Calliope was her age an' all. But I thought it was wonderful right. "'I did play, he says to her he had a nice little way o' pressin' down hard with his voice on one word an' lettin' the next run off his tongue 'I did play dreams, I rec'lect he says; 'I dreamed 'bout robbers.

An' what I come to see you about is the boy. "'The boy, Calliope says over, not understandin'; 'the boy. "'My God, yes, says he. 'He's all I've got left in the world. Calliope I need the boy. I need him! "I rec'lect Calliope puttin' back that light thing from her head like it smothered her. He laid back in his chair for a minute, white an' still.

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