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The old man was evidently a bit ratty. "Well, I hope your leg will soon be all right, boss," said Steelman. "Thank you," said the old man, "but I don't think there's much hope. I suppose you want some tucker?" "Well, yes," said Steelman, rather taken aback by the old man's sudden way of putting it. "We're hard up."

Frances thanked him and went up to the house. She did not find an opportunity of speaking to Captain Rugley about Ratty M'Gill at once, however, for she found him in a state of great excitement. "Listen to this, Frances!" he ejaculated, when she appeared, waving a sheet of paper in his hand, and trying to get up from the hard chair in which he was sitting.

Anything that has to do with your personal comfort I wouldn't say that about, of course; but this belongs entirely to that little old ratty church, and I haven't anything at all to do with it; and I want you to forget it, Cloudy, for I'm not going to do it!" "Why, Allison, you're mistaken about me. It isn't my affair, and I don't intend to make it so. I didn't get this up.

They do be pigtails on th' Dootch a fut long in the eel-skin. Faith, I saw McCraw's scalp 'twas wan o' Harrod's men tuk it, not I, sorr! an' 'twas red an' ratty, wid nary a lock to lift it, more shame to McCraw!" Mount stood, balancing now on his heels, now on his toes, inhaling and expelling his breath like a man who has had more than a morning draught of cider.

"Ah, indeed!" said Ratman; "I am not aware, your grace, of your right to speak to me in the name of Miss Oliphant, or anybody else." "Oh," said Tom, arriving on the scene at this juncture, "you there, Ratty? you'd better clear out. All the grub's done, and you're not wanted here. We didn't ask you took care not to. Rosalind's not here. This is Jilly's and my party. Isn't it, you chaps?"

He scratched and shovelled and explored, all four legs working busily, while the Mole waited impatiently, remarking at intervals, 'O, COME on, Rat! Suddenly the Rat cried 'Hooray! and then 'Hooray-oo-ray-oo-ray-oo-ray! and fell to executing a feeble jig in the snow. 'What HAVE you found, Ratty? asked the Mole, still nursing his leg. 'Come and see! said the delighted Rat, as he jigged on.

"You surely did!" agreed the ranchman, and then turned to meet Silent Sam as that individual drew up to the step. "What's the good word, Sam?" inquired the Captain. "Got that Ratty. He's in the jail at Jackleg. Like you said, I never told nobody but the sheriff what 'twas for you wanted him." "That's right," said the Captain, gravely.

"How are you to-day, old chap?" inquired the Rat cheerfully, as he approached Toad's bedside. He had to wait some minutes for an answer. At last a feeble voice replied, "Thank you so much, dear Ratty! So good of you to inquire! But first tell me how you are yourself, and the excellent Mole?" "O, we're all right," replied the Rat.

And, as Ratty had said, the chest, burlapped, corded, and tagged, stood in the main hall of the ranch-house, ready for removal. It was a long way to the Peckham ranch-house, at which Frances meant to make her first night stop. The greater part of the journey would then be over. The second night she proposed to stay at the hotel in Calas, a suburb of Amarillo.

Some were hauling out dusty trunks and dress-baskets, others were already elbow-deep packing their belongings; while everywhere piles and bundles of wheat, oats, barley, beech-mast and nuts, lay about ready for transport. 'Here's old Ratty! they cried as soon as they saw him. 'Come and bear a hand, Rat, and don't stand about idle! 'What sort of games are you up to? said the Water Rat severely.