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The old woman put out her bony hand and laid it on the girl's arm. "Sally, you are not a-tellin' me the truth. You are a-goin' to try to see John Westerfelt." "Well, what if I am, mother?" "I don't believe I'd go, darlin'. I'd be above lettin' any triflin' man know I was that bad off I railly would try to have a little more pride."

"Railly an' truly," said Zac, solemnly, "that's my identical meanin' jest it, exactly; an' 'tain't overly pleasant, no how. See here;" and Zac dropped his voice to still lower tones, and drew still nearer to Claude, as he continued "see here, now; I'll tell you what happened jest now.

"Ay ban Nels Swanson." "Huh! Well, it's little the loikes o' ye iver railly knows about names, Oi 'm thinkin'. They tell me ye don't have no proper, dacent names of yer own over in Sweden, wherever the divil that is, I dunno, but jist picks up annything handy for to dhraw pay on." "It ban't true." "It's a loiar ye are!

An' what's more," he continued, dropping his voice to a lower tone, and stooping, to bring his mouth nearer to Claude's ear, "what's more, I don't know but what, at this very moment, there's a Moosoo railly an' truly a little mite nearer to us than I altogether keer for to hev him." "What!" exclaimed Claude, with a start; "do you really think so? What! near us, here in this fog?"

"I railly felt sorry for the poor old 'grave-digger, I did upon my soul, for hosses and ladies are two things, that a body can't help likin'. Indeed, a feller that hante no taste that way ain't a man at all, in my opinion. Yes, I felt ugly for poor 'grave-digger, though I didn't feel one single bit so for that cantin' cheatin', old Elder.

Do you think they had any right to do that? Remember the jury had acquitted her." "And has she railly confessed? I am glaid o' that! I only wuss they could get a haud o' Madeline Smith as weel, and persuaud her to confess! Eh, the state o' that puir crater's conscience! It 'maist gars me greit to think o' 't! Gien she wad but confess, houp wad spring to life in her sin-oppressed soul!

Juvenal's times required a more painful kind of operation; but if he had lived in the age of Horace, I must needs affirm that he had it not about him. He took the method which was prescribed him by his own genius, which was sharp and eager; he could not railly, but he could declaim: and as his provocations were great, he has revenged them tragically.

We micht hae been at it yet! But we winna noo! will we ever, Sandy?" "Na, that we winna!" "For," continued Andrew, "He said 'Lo, I am with you always! And suppose He werena, we daurna be that ahint His back we would na be afore His face!" "Do you railly think it was Him, Andrew?"

Andy looked rebuked, particularly by the hard word collusitate, which most of the youngerly members of the company seemed to consider as a settler in the case, while Sam proceeded. "Dat ar was conscience, Andy; when I thought of gwine arter Lizy, I railly spected Mas'r was sot dat way.

"Div ye railly think it, Ma'colm?" sighed the factor with a flush. "I div that, sir. Only whan ye grow better, gien ye'll alloo me to say't, sir, ye maunna lat Sawtan temp' ye to think 'at this same repentin' was but a wakeness o' the flesh, an' no an enlichtenment o' the speerit." "I s' tie mysel' up till 't," cried the factor, eagerly.