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But there's no good quarrellin' wi' teathy folk; and it may lie in his way to do the George mony an ill turn, and mony a gude one; an' it's only fair to say it happened a long way before he was born, and there's no good in vexin' him; and I lay ye a pound, Captain, the Doctor hods wi' me."

A'll bate ye fifty poun' A'm betther rairt nor you! Houl' an'! A'll bate ye a hundher' two hundher', if ye lek, an' stake the money down this minit" "Stiddy, now! draw it mild, you fellers there!" thundered Cooper from behind. "Must n't have no quarrellin' while I'm knockin' round."

"I'm willing to go," said a fellow, ironically called Handsome Hacket, because he was blind of an eye and deeply pock-pitted "there's no use in quarrellin' with a woman certainly and I don't think there can be any doubt about the man's death; devil a bit."

He's a soft heart." "Soft as a green quince!" said Mrs. Abner, scornfully. "How many friends has he?" "Those he has are warm enough," Miss Crane retorted. "Look at Colonel Carvel, who has him to dinner every Sunday." "That's plain as your nose, Mirandy Crane. They both like quarrellin' better than anything in this world." "Well," said Miss Crane, "I must go make ready for the Brices."

"Fight it out," said Donnel Dhu, "its a nice quarrel, although Sal has the right on her side." "If you prevent me," said she, disregarding her step-mother, "you'll rue it quickly; or hould I'm beginnin' to hate this kind of quarrellin' here, let her have as much meal as will make my supper; I'll do without any for the sake of the childhre, this night."

"I jes' can't refuse one of de fambly, Marse Dick; and old Marse he say he too old now for quarrellin'." I saw that resistance was useless. There was nothing for it but to bide any time. And I busied myself with bills of cargo until I heard the horses on the drive. Mr. Allen and Philip came swaggering in, flushed with the exercise, and calling for punch, and I met them in the hall.

But suddenly a noise outside made them both start and stand listening with beating hearts until all again was still and quiet: then Joan's quick-roused anger failed her, and, repenting her sharp speech, she threw her arms round Eve's neck, crying, "Awh, Eve, don't 'ee lets you and me set 'bout quarrellin', my dear, for if sorrow ain't a-drawin' nigh my name's not Joan Hocken.

"He can't abide quarrellin' that's what's the matter. . . . Ah, well!" sighed Fancy, and fell back on her favourite formula of resignation. "It'll be all the same a hundred years hence; when we mee-eet," she chanted, "when we mee-eet, when we mee-eet on that Beyewtiful Shore!

'I believe, I says, 'that it's that hinfidel and the skinny wirgin a-walkin' together. They goes into the summer-'ouse, and then I creeps down, and gets behind a tree, but close enough to the couple to hear every word. Sure 'nough, sur, I wur right; it was the wirgin Staggles and this 'ere Woltaire. "'They seemed quarrellin' like when I come up, for she wur sayin' "'Tis no use, she never will.

"Well, we chatted away arter this fashion, he a openin' of himself and me a walk in' into him; and we jogged along till we came to Charles Tarrio's to Montagon, and there was the matter of a thousand French people gathered there, a chatterin', and laughin', and jawin', and quarrellin', and racin', and wrastlin', and all a givin' tongue, like a pack of village dogs, when an Indgian comes to town.