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Save us," exclaimed Mrs. Reed, "but she was stiff as starched crepe. His father was minister to France. The Brices were in the India trade, and they had money enough to buy the whole of St. Louis." Miss Crane rattled the letter in her hand. She brought forth her reserves. "Yes, and Appleton Brice lost it all, in the panic. And then he died, and left the widow and son without a cent." Mrs.

And as we went into the house, "I believe my mother is a Whig, Richard. All the Brices are." "And yet you are a Tory?" "I am a loyalist," says my lady, tossing her head proudly; "and we are one day to kiss her Majesty's hand, and tell her so. And if I were the Queen," she finished in a flash, "I would teach you surly gentlemen not to meddle."

"I know that these watches are made for very little in the cheap countries of Europe, but one can hardly see how this machinery was put together for so small a sum." "I has 'em, matam, at all brices," put in my uncle. "I have a strong desire to purchase a good lady's watch, but should a little fear buying of any but a known and regular dealer." "You needn't fear us, ma'am," I ventured to say.

Carrolls and Pacas and Dulanys and Johnsons, and Lloyds and Bordleys and Brices and Scotts and Jennings and Ridouts, and Colonel Sharpe, who remained in the province, and many more families of prominence which I have not space to mention, all came to Gordon's Pride. Some of these, as their names proclaim, were of the King's side; but the bulk of Mr.

And as we went into the house, "I believe my mother is a Whig, Richard. All the Brices are." "And yet you are a Tory?" "I am a loyalist," says my lady, tossing her head proudly; "and we are one day to kiss her Majesty's hand, and tell her so. And if I were the Queen," she finished in a flash, "I would teach you surly gentlemen not to meddle."

It was clear that no further help was to be obtained from him. I went to the landlord a brisk business-like individual of Transatlantic goaheadism. From him I learned that there were no Brices in Ullerton, and never had been within the thirty years of his experience in that town.

The Dwyers, the Cartwrights, the Haydens, the Brices, the Ishams, and I know not how many others had sent their tributes, and Honora's second cousins, the Hanburys, from the family mansion behind the stately elms of Wayland Square of which something anon. When Aunt Mary appeared, an hour or so later, Honora was surveying her magnificence in the glass.

Eliphalet Hopper, on his return from business, was met on the steps and requested to wear his Sunday clothes. Like the good republican that he was, Mr. Hopper refused. He had ascertained that the golden charm which made the Brices worthy of tribute had been lost. Commercial supremacy, that was Mr. Hopper's creed.

In my twelve foreign years the place was swamped by incomers, black unwelcome Covenanters from the shires of Air and Lanrick Brices, Yuilles, Rodgers, and Richies all brought up here by Gillesbeg Gruamach, Marquis of Argile, to teach his clans the arts of peace and merchandise.

One of the Stuarts was a full length of an officer in the buff and blue of the Continental Army. And it was this picture which caught Anne's eye that day. "How like Stephen!" she exclaimed. And added. "Only the face is much older. Who is it, Mrs. Brice?" "Colonel Wilton Brice, Stephen's grandfather. There is a marked look about all the Brices.