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Deordie, climb up behind, and hold back my hair, there's a darling, while I fasten off. Oh! Deor, you're pulling my hair out. Don't." "I want to make a pig-tail," said Deor. "You can't," said Tiny, with feminine contempt. "You can't plait. What's the good of asking boys to do anything? There! it's done at last. Now go and ask Mother if we may go.

Hickory at once recognised the battered doll under the aristocratic title which Polly had long ago bestowed upon it. He stared at the bald and battered head. "Ha! ha!" he said, hoarsely; "skelped by Injins!" For an instant the delicious suggestion soothed the imaginative Polly. But it was quickly dispelled by Wan Lee. "Lady Maley's pig-tail hangee top side hillee.

He was a man-of-war's-man of the old Benbow school. He wore a short cue, which the wags of the mizzen-top called his "plug of pig-tail."

The great hands would grasp her in another second and then there was a sudden crashing of the underbrush behind her, a yellow, wrinkled face and a flying pig-tail shot past her, and the brave old Sing Lee grappled with the mighty monster that threatened her. The battle was short short and terrible.

'Then I loosened the "Chinese Axe" in its scabbard, and turned back into the Farm. First I seized the Chinaman by the pig-tail, and my followers gathered up all the money in the bank, near seven thousand dollars, so that it needed six men to carry it, and I then departed to my house, none daring to bar my passage.

"I dare say, my lord, that you find many amusing things here in the Colonies," remarked Mrs. Adams. "Indeed I do. Yesterday, as I was smoking my pipe in the tap-room of the Admiral Vernon, a countryman stepped up to me, and said, 'Mister, may I ax for a little pig-tail? I told him I didn't keep little pigs and hadn't any tails. I presumed he would find plenty of 'em in the market."

One man they passed had such an odd appearance that Charley turned and stared back at him. He was of a strange yellow complexion, his eyes were set slantwise, he wore a short, loose, bluish frock with wide sleeves, and a round little hat, and down his back hung a long pig-tail. "There's a queer sort of Injun," remarked Mr. Grigsby. "Some sort of a Sandwich Islander, I reckon."

See, there he sits, with his moustachios hanging down to his chin, and his pig-tail to his heels, and the blue dragon embroidered on his breast, watching while they prepare the hall for a grand dinner. There will be a stew of puppy dog, and another of kittens, and bird's-nest soup; and then the players will come and act part of the nine-night tragedy, and we will look through the lattice.

With a voice made hoarse, doubtless to imitate the old nut- brown seaman with the saber-scar and the tarry pig-tail, who sat sipping his rum and water in the Admiral Benbow Inn, she began to chant: "Fifteen men on the dead man's chest Yo-ho-ho, and a bottle of rum! Drink and the Devil had done for the rest Yo-ho-ho, and a bottle of rum!" Esteban smiled uncomprehendingly. "Yes?

"Yes, sir; but in hurrying the men up, I slipped down the ladder, and I'm afraid I've put my shoulder out." "Well, then, where is the chief boatswain's mate, Miller?" "Here, sir," said Miller, coming forward: a stout, muscular man, nearly six feet high, with a pig-tail nearly four feet long, and his open breast covered with black, shaggy hair. "Give that man a dozen, sir," said the captain.