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The other is no none tashed yet, but my gudeman fair insisted on buying a new one, for says he 'Rich folk like as can afford to be mislaird, and nothing's ower braw for my bonny Jean. Tell Aaron Latta that. When I'm sailing in my silks, Esther, I sometimes picture you turning your wincey again, for I'se uphaud that's all the new frock you've ha'en the year.

Morris was smoking an after-breakfast cigar as he strolled leisurely from the subway, and when he turned into White Street Abe was still standing on the doorstep. "What's the matter?" Morris asked. "Matter!" Abe cried. "Matter! Nothing's the matter. Everything's fine and dandy. Just look at that letter, Mawruss. That's all." Morris took the proffered note and opened it at once. "Gents," it read.

They had found him lively and likable, bringing gossip of the West End with a dash of Leicester Square. Then slowly a change had come on him. He went moody and silent. "What's the matter with you?" asked Doctor Le Bot one day. "Nothing's the matter with me," answered the man. "It's war that's the matter." "What do you mean by that?" put in one of the younger doctors.

There was alertness in the question, rather than responsive softness. Willoughby drew a hand across his mouth. "Nothing's wrong Stella. I've had a hard day. Aren't you going?" "Yes in just a moment." She had moved toward the door again, and now was standing with her hand on the knob. "It's Willard's birthday next Wednesday." Willard was their boy.

The other set they travel in well, it's the older men they meet round the swell hotels and so on the yellow-back men." "How queer!" exclaimed Mildred, before whose eyes a new world was opening. "But how do they these squabs account for the money?" "How do a thousand and one women in this funny town account at home for money and things?" retorted Mrs. Belloc. "Nothing's easier.

His back was towards her, and his concentration so complete that he was not aware of her till she stood at his elbow. Then he started and looked up with a smothered exclamation of doubtful character. "Hullo, my lady, I thought this was against regulations! What's up?" She perched lightly on the arm of his chair. "Nothing's up.

"Nothing's any use," the "Great Power" himself would say when he was disposed to talk; "poverty is like a sieve: everything goes straight through it, and if we stop one hole, it's running through ten others at the same time. They say I'm a swine, and why shouldn't I be? I can do the work of three men yes, but do I get the wages of three?

Nana in reply told her that she was to let them sleep on. But seeing Daguenet come into the room, she again grew tender. He had been watching her from the kitchen and was looking very wretched. "Come, my sweetie, be reasonable," she said, taking him in her arms and kissing him with all sorts of little wheedling caresses. "Nothing's changed; you know that it's sweetie whom I always adore! Eh, dear?

And nothing's truer than them. Mr. Barkis turned his eyes upon me, as if for my assent to this result of his reflections in bed; and I gave it. 'Nothing's truer than them, repeated Mr. Barkis; 'a man as poor as I am, finds that out in his mind when he's laid up. I'm a very poor man, sir! 'I am sorry to hear it, Mr. Barkis. 'A very poor man, indeed I am, said Mr. Barkis.

"That's all right," said Leonard Dickinson, quickly. "I take off my hat to you. You've saved us. You can ask any fee you like," he added genially. "Let's go over to to the Ashuela and get some lunch." He had been about to say the Club, but he remembered Mr. Tallant's presence in time. "Nothing's worrying you, Hugh?" he added, as we went out, followed by the glances of his employees.