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There was no further opportunity for conversation, as they heard Silas and Carter on the step and a third party hail them from a distance. There was a moment's delay and when the door did at last open Elizabeth Farnshaw gave a glad cry: "Uncle Nate! Where in the world did you come from?"

"You start anything like that taking that young one away from her lawful guardeen an' I'll get Elnathan Spear after you in a hurry, now I tell ye. I'll give you your nevergitovers!" "If Nate Spear comes to my house, I'll ask him to pay me for that corn he bought off'n me as long ago as last fall," chuckled the farmer.

Every word of the conversation had been a stab, but to have Luther called a Swede was too much. "Yes, dear," Aunt Susan said, laying a hand on her arm. "I meant to have told you and I hadn't got to it yet. Nate and I are invited to the wedding. It's Sadie Crane, you know." Elizabeth fell into the nearest chair utterly limp. "Sadie Crane?" she said over and over.

It's my notion we can be nate an' clane if we are poor, an' it'll be your part to make ivery wan of thim beds ivery day an' kape the floor clane. Larry an' mesilf, we'll slape in the kitchen, an' it's hopin' I am you'll kape that shoinin', too. An' then there's the coal to be got in an' the ashes to be took out.

They could not find any use for it, as they strolled by twos and fours through its unfinished expanse. Nate Tierney suggested that young Early was coming here to live, and that this great upper chamber was to be his ball-room, where he could have his routs and banquets, the kitchen being in handy proximity.

"I hope not," said I. "At all events, we must make the best of it. There's Mr Fitzgerald in the boat. We'll get him to stand our friend." "Well, boys, this is a nate piece of work you've been after doing now!" remarked our handsome second lieutenant, as he surveyed the deck. "You don't mean to say that you captured all these heroes?" "Every one of them, sir," said Grey, with perfect seriousness.

It 'pears like ter me he war in sech a hurry so ez ter start ME ter work, and nuthin' else in this worl'. I owe Nate a debt, ye see, an' I hev ter work it out.

"Hello, Catamount Jack," said Elerson, humorously. "Where 'd ye steal the squaw-buckskins? Look at the macaroni, Tim all yellow and purple fringe!" Mount surveyed the riflemen in their suits of brown holland and belted rifle-frocks. "Dave Elerson, you look like a Quakeress in a Dutch jerkin," he observed. "'Tis the nate turrn to yere leg he grudges ye," said Murphy to Elerson.

"Did you never hear, for all so long as you war in Cambridge, of a nate little spot in Greece called the groves of Academus? "'Inter lucos Academi quarrere verum. "What was Plato himself but a hedge schoolmaster? and, with humble submission, it casts no slur on an Irish tacher to be compared to him, I think. You forget also, sir, that the Dhruids taught under their oaks: eh?"

Barrington with questions, somewhat to the bewilderment of the old gentleman, who could not distinctly grasp the idea that Nate was self-constituted protector in place of the man he was accused of murdering. He flung his eager queries at Mr.