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Updated: August 16, 2024

"An' 'deed, so was his brudher Misther John, thin a moighty foine man! and to see his demanour, puttin' his hand in his pocket and givin' me sixpence, bate all the worrld!"

"Oh no, my purty," answered O'Gorman, with the leer of a satyr, "we'd take moighty good care you didn't do that. If Misther Conyers won't be obligin', why, we'll have to spare him, I s'pose; but we couldn't do widout you, my dear; what'd we do " I could bear no more. "Silence, you blackguard!"

"Sorry o' me knows," replied Tim in an equally awestruck voice, either full of real or very well assumed terror, "barrin' that the divil's got howld av 'em; an' it's raal vexed I am, sorr, av spakin' so moighty disrespectful av his honour jist now. Aye, take me worrud for it, cap'en, they're possiss'd, as sure as eggs is mate!"

We wor a talkin' o' th' murder at th' time, and wonderin' what we wor to do fur another job o' work, things bein' moighty bad heerabouts, when, as we neared top o' th' rise, we heered the rummiest kind o' noise a man ever heerd, comin' from that theer wood by th' pits. Dick says to me, in a skeered kind of voice, 'That's fair a rum un, says he.

But I am moighty plased to see you; and, bedad, we'll be footing it away to the sound of me fiddle, I am hoping, before many hours are over. You have got it all safe?" "Yes. I keep de fiddle all right, and let no one play on it not even myself," observed Quambo.

"It's a quishton ye'll foind moighty convanient to axe some-toimes whin ye're in these parts, mabouchal; an' Oi'd advise ye to larn the languish ez soon ez ye can."

"Faith, he's drivin' his pigs to market in foine stoil; you should only hear him, cap'en!" answered the Irishman, looking out to windward. "Begorrah, ain't it blowin', though, sir! Sure, as we used to say at ould Trinity, de gustibus non est disputandum, which means, Mister Spokeshave, as yo're cockin' up your nose to hear what I'm after sayin', it's moighty gusty, an' there's no denyin' it!"

'No, indeed, says the waiver; 'you have the advantage o' me. 'To be sure I have, says the king, moighty high; 'sure, ain't I the King o' Dublin? says he. The waiver dhropped down an his two knees forninst the king, and says he, 'I beg God's pardon and yours for the liberty I tuk; plaze your holiness, I hope you'll excuse it. 'No offince, says the king; 'get up, good man.

"If you'll excuse my inquisitiveness, sor, or rather, what ye might call my natural insight, I judge you're on either a moighty short tour, or a devil av a long one got up in a hurry." The little clatterbag's uncanny guessing harried me. "How do you arrive at your conclusions?" I asked, taking off my jacket and hanging it up. "Och! shure it's by the size av your wardrobe.

Thinking the matter sadly over, Captain Sankey was proceeding toward the school when he met one of the constables. The man touched his hat and stopped. "This be a moighty oonpleasant business, captain," he said; "your boy, he ha' been and battered schoolmaister; and t' doctor says he ha' broke his collarbone. Oi ha' got to take him afore t' magistrate."

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