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The point of privilege, perhaps, is less capable of defence admitting, however, for a moment, that pre-eminence of station and office entitles the holder to singularity of inclination and conduct, as it is certainly allowed to do in the case of some other sovereigns, the question then becomes a mere matter of taste, and it is ungenerous to deny the Otaheitan queen the benefit of the old maxim, de gustibus non est disputandum.

Up went the King's cane away ran the terrified instructor; and Frederic's classical studies ended for ever. He now and then affected to quote Latin sentences, and produced such exquisitely Ciceronian phrases as these: "Stante pede morire" "De gustibus non est disputandus," "Tot verbas tot spondera."

Notwithstanding this, they are eaten by many tribes of Indians, and even the French Creoles of Guiana have their "bat-soup," which they relish highly. The proverb "De gustibus non disputandum est," seems to be true for all time. The Spanish Americans have it in the phrase "Cada uno a su gusto;" "Chacun

Two poems may be called descriptive; both are Italian; both are founded upon a rivalry of contrasts, but one, Up at a Villa Down in the City, is made up of humorous observations of Italian city and country life, expressing the mundane tastes and prudent economies of an Italian person of quality; the other, "De Gustibus ," which contrasts the happy quietudes of English landscape with the passionate landscape of the South, has romance at the heart of its realism and an ardour of sentiment underlying its pictorial vividness.

"Let's go and call Kilmanskeg and Ridiklis and Gustibus and Peter Piper," they said, and they rushed to the staircase and met Kilmanskeg and Ridiklis and Gustibus and Peter Piper coming scrambling up panting because the noise had wakened them as well. They were all over at Tidy Castle in a minute. They just tumbled over each other to get there the kind-hearted things.

And I must settle and put myself right in the matter of M. Ingres before proceeding any further. The Latin saying, then, "De gustibus non est disputandum," contains an excellent piece of advice, since disputing about tastes or anything else is but a sorry employment.

What she could see to interest her in this lump of a man Heaven alone knew, but a hint of the old half-patient, half-amused liking for him and his slow wits began to flicker once more. De gustibus alas! When Portlaw arrived home late that evening there existed within his somewhat ordinary intellect a sense of triumph.

The administration a success De gustibus Stuart's raid West Point St. Domingo The President's letter to McClellan Broad church The elections The Republican party gone The remedy at the polls McClellan wants to be relieved Mediation Compromise The rhetors.

Meg and Peg and Kilmanskeg clutched at their hearts and gasped and Gustibus groaned and Lady Patsy caught Peter Piper by the arm to keep from falling. Peter Piper gulped and then he had a sudden cheerful thought. "Perhaps she was raving in delirium," he said.

"That, Major, is one of your American notions," said the King; "there is no disgrace in morganatic marriages." "It's all a question of national taste," said I; "and you know, sire, 'de gustibus non' " He drummed with his fingers a moment on the table. "I have some unhandy views, possibly," said I.