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Madame Tallien, the "Merveilleuse de Luxembourg," also called by her admirers, "Notre-dame de Thermidor," felt much nattered at being called on by a real viscountess, who had filled a distinguished position at the court of King Louis. She therefore received her with great amiability, and endeavored to make the charming and beautiful viscountess her friend.

Douee d'une merveilleuse concision qui s'allie a la clarte, il lui suffit d'un mot pour associer plusieurs idees, qui, dans une autre langue, exigeralent des phrases entieres." And no people are more jealous on this very point than the French.

She had "gone to put on nothing," Rosek informed them. He took Gyp the round of his treasures, scarabs, Rops drawings, death-masks, Chinese pictures, and queer old flutes, with an air of displaying them for the first time to one who could truly appreciate. And she kept thinking of that saying, "Une technique merveilleuse."

"Si ce livre unit le destin De David et de l'Aretin, Dans leur merveilleuse science, Lecteur n'en sois pas empeche Qui paraphrase le peche Paraphrase la penitence." Utterly venal and unscrupulous, we find him at one time enjoying the patronage of Francis I. of France, and then abusing that monarch and basking in the favour of the Emperor Charles V., who paid him more lavishly.

A kind of spasm of amusement was set free in her heart, and, almost inaudibly, the words escaped her lips: "Une technique merveilleuse!" His eyes wavered; he uttered a little gasp; his lips fell apart. Gyp walked across the room and put her hand on the bell. She had lost her fear. Without a word, he turned, and went out into the garden. She watched him cross the lawn. Gone!

Ses envoyes apercurent dans la mer une tres grande tige de Lotus au milieu de laquelle il y avait un bouton colossal entoure d'une foule de grandes feuilles, et jetant des rayons de lumiere de differentes couleurs. Les envoyes en firent leur rapport au roi, qui, rempli d'etonnement, se rendit avec sa cour sur un grand radeau a la place de la mer ou se trouvait cette tige merveilleuse.

"We saw you tossed in the air," continued Saint Vrain, "and fall right into the thick of them. Then, of course, we gave you up. But how, in Heaven's name, have you got clear?" I related my adventure to my wondering comrades. "Par Dieu!" cried Gode, "un garcon tres bizarre: une aventure tres merveilleuse!" From that hour I was looked upon as a "captain" on the prairies.

And straightway he perceived that triple invocation could be, rather neatly, worked out in ballade form. Yes, with a separate prayer to each verse. So, dismissing for the while his misery, he fell to considering, with undried cheeks, what rhymes he needed. "Et puis il se rencontre icy une avanture merveilleuse, c'est que le fils de Grand Turc ressemble a Cleonte, a peu de chose pres."

She said quietly: "Why do you like him, Gustav?" "Like him? Oh, he is useful. A good judge of music, and many things." "I think he is hateful." Fiorsen laughed. "Hateful? Why hateful, my Gyp? He is a good friend. And he admires you oh, he admires you very much! He has success with women. He always says, 'J'ai une technique merveilleuse pour seduire une femme." Gyp laughed. "Ugh!

'Ah! mais vraiment, Marie, tu es merveilleuse! What is certain is that neither that glass nor Torre Amiata is worthy of it. N'importe. One must keep up standards. 'Certainly, madame, you look better to-day. 'I slept. Why did I sleep? I can't imagine. After all, Torre Amiata is not such a bad place is it Marie? And with a laugh, she lightly touched her maid's cheek.