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Captain Dalgetty did so accordingly, and having made his military congee with easy confidence, he thus accosted the Marquis: "Give you good morrow, my lord or rather I should say, good even; BESO A USTED LOS MANOS, as the Spaniard says." "Who are you, sir, and what is your business?" demanded the Marquis, in a tone which was intended to interrupt the offensive familiarity of the soldier.

Every now and then they would stop to rest, and then they would clamor for buono manos, sometimes begging for the money in very earnest and noisy, but suppliant tones, and sometimes demanding it in a very loud and threatening manner. Mr. George, however, paid no heed to these requests, but steadily refused to give the men any money, saying simply that Philippe would pay.

As it was apparent that her English, though correct, was labored, he answered, hat in hand, in her own tongue: "A las pies de usted, Señorita." She smiled gratefully, as much at his courteous consideration as in her relief at his knowledge of her tongue and its social ethics. "Bese usted las manos, Señor."

For herself, she concluded that she would not go, but after seeing the party commence their ascent, she would go back to the Hermitage, and wait there till they returned. "And now, Philippe," said Mr. George, "I wish you to calculate exactly what the expense will be for the whole expedition, including carriage hire, guides, bearers, mules, buono manos, and every thing.

* "La Reyna dio a los Frayles mil ducados de renta cado ano para el sustento de los religiosos del santo sepulcro, que es la mejor limosna y sustento que hasta nuestros dias ha quedado a estos religiosos de Gerusalem: para donde les dio la Reyna un velo labrado por sus manos, para poner encima de la santa sepultura del Senor." Garibay, "Compend Hist.," lib. 18, cap. 36.

As soon as the portantina bearers reached the place where he stood, they set down the chair, and immediately the whole set crowded around Mr. George, and again demanded buono manos. "Philippe payera," said Mr. George, pointing down the mountain to the Hermitage "Philippe payera, l

"She'll say, 'La, it's no matter. We shall not quarrel." "Then I won't go with her," said Mr. George. In arranging for a journey in Italy with a vetturino, there are three separate classes of expenditure to be provided for. First, the carriage and horses; secondly, the board at the hotels by the way; and thirdly, the buono manos. As to the carriage and horses, the question, in the case of Mr.

He stayed, however, but a short time, and came back saying, that the "manos" were altogether too thick out there, and that a huge blue one, had come near seizing him in the surf, before he could catch a roller so as to land safely upon the reef. When blamed by Arthur for his rashness, he laughed, and promised that he would not incur the risk again.

Lots of mayonnaise, paprika, and butter. I'll have a hearts of romaine salad on the side, with oil-and-vinegar dressing. Maybe tarragon vinegar. A few French fries, too. But first, a couple of dozen steamed clams. What do they call 'em here? Manos, pronounced Man! Oh!" "Just tell me where," Scotty begged. "Say no more." "How about that place we passed just before we got to Cambridge?

DOÑA MATILDE. No lo dudo, Eduardo; pero ... pero ello de todos modos es muy desagradable ... ¡y mi pobre papá que tenía tanta vanidad con mis manos!... ¿Qué buscas? DON EDUARDO. Di, Matilde, ¿has visto por ahí algún cepillo? DOÑA MATILDE. ¿Para qué? DON EDUARDO. Quisiera cepillarme un poco, antes de salir porque el polvillo del carbón.... DOÑA MATILDE. ¿Que vas a salir?