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Es tiempo de observar los resultados porque si estos resultados han sido perjudiciales al cuerpo social y político del país, nuestro deber es deshacer lo hecho y desandar lo andado. Nadie piensa afortunadamente en esto.

We were hungry, and did not much heed her; whereupon she disappeared, as if piqued, but soon returned with what she evidently regarded as an irresistible appeal to our interest, in the shape of a blue-eyed, flaxen-haired child, perhaps three years old, perfectly naked, but which she placed triumphantly on the table before us. "Mira estos caballeros! son paisanos tuyos, niñito!"

Estos tres pueblos tienen mas caballada que los primeros y mucho ganado menor. Oraybe

"Estos hijos!" said she to Molina which means, "These children!" words full of meaning on a mother's lips words full of terrible significance in the mouth of a queen who, like Anne of Austria, hid many curious secrets in her soul. "Yes," said Molina, "children, children! for whom every mother becomes a sacrifice." "Yes," replied the queen; "a mother sacrifices everything, certainly."

The Catholic profession brought no immunity to the Spanish navigators. Our Flibustiers, strengthened by religious exercises, and a pistol in each hand, stormed upon the deck, as if they had fallen from the clouds. "Jesus, son demonios estos": "They are demons, and not men."

Todas las objeciones que se aducen o pueden aducirse en contra del sufragio femenino tienden invariablemente a estos dos objetos: a la seclusión doméstica de la mujer y a perpetuar su esclavitud civil y política.

His wrath in reflecting upon "estos homems ou estos brutos" drives the ecclesiastic to imitate the ill-conditioned layman who habitually addresses his slave as "O bruto! O burro! O bicho! O diabo!" when he does not apply the more injurious native terms as "Konongwako" and "Vendengwandi."

Under the great lantern in the prow they saw the black figure of the other sentry, pacing on the forecastle. From below sounds reached them of the orgy on the gun-deck: a rich male voice was singing an obscene ballad to which the others chanted in chorus: "Y estos son los usos de Castilla y de Leon!" "From what I've seen to-day I can well believe it," said Mr.