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"That ain't my business," the woman shrugged when she saw Felicia looking at her. "We pays out rent by a receiver since the Mister Burrel goes avay I gotta get mine renta in adwance. I gotta nice room if you vant to stay." "But it's my house, of course I'll stay." "It's a nice room, three dollars a veek you vant to see it?" The color blazed in Felicia's cheeks.

Purchasers have no power to secure the good quality of the cigars they buy, as on an application being made to the director of the renta for a quantity, he merely fills up a printed order for their delivery, and after the money has been paid for them, but not till then, they are delivered by the warehouse-keepers at random, as it is not allowed to select for delivery any of the cigars under their charge, which are consequently never seen by the purchaser until after the completion of the bargain, when if the quality is bad he has no remedy for it, as they will not be received back again by the Government or the money for them returned.

DOÑA MATILDE. ¡Perdulario mi Eduardo! ¡Y se ha dejado desheredar de diez mil ducados de renta a trueque de casarse conmigo! MARQUESA. Entonces tu Eduardo es un loco de atar, porque.... DOÑA MATILDE. Basta Clementina ... tu marquesado no te autoriza para que me insultes porque me ves ahora pobre ... y mucho más cuando nada pienso pedirte.

* "La Reyna dio a los Frayles mil ducados de renta cado ano para el sustento de los religiosos del santo sepulcro, que es la mejor limosna y sustento que hasta nuestros dias ha quedado a estos religiosos de Gerusalem: para donde les dio la Reyna un velo labrado por sus manos, para poner encima de la santa sepultura del Senor." Garibay, "Compend Hist.," lib. 18, cap. 36.