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Updated: August 6, 2024

"And you can carry a rifle and shotgun and fishing poles and everything," she rushed along. "And a good big axe, man-size, instead of that hatchet you're always complaining about. And Possum can lift up his legs and rest. And but suppose you can't buy it? How much do they want?" "One hundred an' fifty big bucks," he answered. "But dirt cheap at that. It's givin' it away.

I put the letter in my pocket, and I had it all figured out how she'd find it and ask me about it, and then read it and be angry for about half a minute. And I took it for granted that I was going to be right there to explain and that I'd have the laugh on her before she had the chance to get to feeling real bad. It looked awful funny to me. It's a great thing to have a man-size sense of humor."

And then Joe understood that his work was not child's play; that the fight was man-size; that it had its dangers, its perils, its fierce struggles. He felt a new power rise within him a warrior strength. He was ready to plunge in and give battle ready for a hand-to-hand conflict. Now he was to be tested in the fires; now he was to meet and make or be broken by a great moment.

This is a man-size business, and in every department men are meeting the situation as real men should. Again, at Neuve Chapelle, there was magnificent bravery. Just across the street, at a turn, there lay a number of wounded men. They were absolutely beyond the reach of succor.

I philosophized a bit over this and told Terry it argued against their having any men about. "There isn't a man-size game in the lot," I said. "But they are interesting I like them," Jeff objected, "and I'm sure they are educational." "I'm sick and tired of being educated," Terry protested. "Fancy going to a dame school at our age. I want to Get Out!"

"Quick on the shoot?" the big trader wanted to know. "No, it ain't that. They don't hardly ever draw a gun. They jest walk in kinda quiet an' easy, an' tell you it'll be thisaway. And tha's the way it is every crack outa the box." "Hmp!" West exuded boastful incredulity. "I reckon they haven't bumped into any one man-size yet."

"In other words," laughed Travers, blowing a cloud of cigarette smoke from his nose, "they'll think they're turning over their paper, The Globe, to a bunch of boys to have some harmless fun ... a few sophomoric jokes on the professors, and so forth.... "And they'll wake up, to find we've slipped a real man-size sheet over on them, for the first time in local history!"

So he came on to me. I noticed, a little startled, as he slumped into his chair with a grunt of greeting, that his cheek was somehow gaunt and pale under the tan; the blue fire of his eyes only smoldered, and I pulled back his chair with, "You look as if you hadn't had any dinner." "I haven't." He gave a man-size order for food and turned back from it to listen to me.

"If you're expectin' me to throw up my hat an' shout, Blister, I got to disappoint you," Dud replied. "I like 'em man-size." "I'm p-puttin' him in yore charge." "You ain't either," the range-rider repudiated indignantly. "To m-make a man of him." "Hell's bells! I'm no dry nurse to fellows shy of sand. He can travel a lone trail for all of me." "Keep him kinda encouraged."

On the edges of the swamp the unmolested vines were thick with fruit. In the late afternoon Peter had filled his buckets to overflowing with extra-fine berries. It had been a sultry day for all its sunlessness, and Peter was tired, so tired that his head and back ached. He looked at the heavy buckets doubtfully; it would be a man-size job to trudge the long sandy road home, so laden.

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