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Updated: August 26, 2024

Ivy," said Sim, "this is a maitter entirely between Candlish and me and the auld wife Gilchrist. You had naething to say to it; weel, ye can have naething to do with it, then." "My good man," said I, "I can allow myself to be placed in no such ridiculous position. Mrs. Gilchrist is nothing to me, and I refuse to be her debtor."

We sat for the maitter o' ten meenits, an' I got akinda roond, an' thocht I wud try an' get hame. Mistress Kenawee had putten on her tatties an' come oot for a dander a bittie, an' noticed the twa o's; so she cam' up, an' I got her airm an' Mysie's, an', though it was a gey job, we manished to get hame.

"Come ye or bide ye, I go on," answered the stern old soldier. "I can carry the bags mysel'." "Then that settles the maitter. If ye gang, I gang." So the horses were turned adrift to find their own way home, and the two men went off into the mirk, carrying the bags; whilst Marchbanks, on their urgent advice, turned to force his arduous way back to Moffat.

"Ye micht gie thae thochts o' mine to the Session gin the maitter comes up again aboot the hymes, ye ken, aboot hoo they micht be made intil a prayer." I silently gave the promise. "An' mair I dinna forbid ye to sing a bit hyme at the funeral. Let Wullie Allison lift the tune, for he aye keeps the time. Yon Methody's hyme wad dae: "'Hide me, oh, my Saviour hide Till the storm of life is past,

"I said I would say ye had; and if ye like to nay-say me when ye come back, it'll no mateerially maitter, for my chara'ter's clean gane a'ready past reca'." "O, Dand, are ye a lecar?" she asked, lingering. "Folks say sae," replied the bard. "Wha says sae?" she pursued. "Them that should ken the best," he responded. "The lassies, for ane." "But, Dand, you would never lee to me?" she asked.

"Losh! the body's cracked," said Mungo Boyd, astounded at this nicety. "I was to meet her to-night; does she know I'm here?" "I rapped at her door mysel' to mak' sure she did." "And what said she?" "She tauld me to gae awa'. I said it was you, and she said it didna maitter." "Didna maitter!" repeated the Chamberlain, viciously, mimicking the eastland accent. "What ails her?"

It was for this reason that she put the scarlet poppy into her hair. She meditated "I maybe haena Meg's looks to the notion o' some folk, but I mak' a heap better use o' the looks that I hae, an' that is a great maitter!" "Saunders," said Jess softly, going up to the Cuif and pretending to pick a bit of heather off his courting coat.

"I do not understand you, ma'am." "Weel, I maun gar ye un'erstan' me. There's things whiles, Sandy Graham, 'at 's no easy to speyk aboot but I hae nae feelin's, an' we 'll a' be deid or lang, an' that's a comfort. Man 'at ye are, ye 're the only human bein' I wad open my moo' till aboot this maitter, an' that's 'cause ye lo'e the memory o' my puir lassie, Grizell Cam'ell."

"Brawly, my lord; there's naething muckle the maitter wi' hit or me aither, noo 'at we're up. But I was jist nearhan' deid o' ower muckle bed." "Had n't you better come down out of that cockloft?" said the marquis, dropping his eyes. "Na, my lord; I dinna care aboot pairtin' wi' my neebour yet." "What neighbour?" "What! is he troublesome next? "Ow, na!

"Hoot toot mon, there's no use in making a secret of the maitter," returned the positive grenadier. "The soobject was discoosed after dinner yeesterday, and there was noobody preesent who didn't agree that if you had won her hairt you had geevin your own in exchange."

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