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If a man could not hide little rifts in the lute from one so good and humble and affectionate, he was not fit to live. She sang 'The Castle of Dromore' again that night with its queer haunting lilt. And when she had gone up, and he was smoking over the fire, the girl in her dark-red frock seemed to come, and sit opposite with her eyes fixed on his, just as she had been sitting while they talked.

"An' what's mair, it kind o' came to me that a hyme micht be a prayer, ye ken. Noo, your prayer in the kirk is no' inspired. That is, no' like Dauvit's psalms but it's upliftin' for a' that. An' I'm thinkin' that mebbe it's nae waur to lilt a prayer than to speak yin, an' mebbe the great Methody was prayin' when he said: "'Let me to Thy bosom fly,

I zigzagged up the steep pathway, breathing in the thin, keen morning air, and humming a lilt as I went, until I came out, a little short of breath, among the whins upon the top. Looking down the long slope of the farther side, I saw Cousin Edie, as I had expected; and I saw Jim Horscroft walking by her side. They were not far away, but too taken up with each other to see me.

The King, his knights, and even the archers in the waist below them, laughed at the merry lilt and joined lustily in the chorus, while the men of the neighboring ships leaned over the side to hearken to the deep chant rolling over the waters. But there came a sudden interruption to the song. A sharp, harsh shout came down from the lookout stationed in the circular top at the end of the mast.

But as he stood there doubtfully, uncertain of the way, catching the wind in his nervous hands, and turning about in a little space like an animal in a cage, over the hedge through the apple-boughs a boy's clear voice rose suddenly, singing a rollicking tune, with a snapping of fingers and tapping of feet in time to its merry lilt.

"Have you had any food?" he asked. A tired smile lit up the shadows of weariness under her soft, dark eyes. "Boiled oats, plum pudding, and chocolates," she told him. "We have plenty of food on the sled. I'll bring it at once." She nodded, and turned to go to the cabin. He watched for a moment the lilt in her walk. An expression from his reading jumped to his mind. Melodious feet!

The hall was empty, and the front door stood open to the cool of the summer night. From the ballroom came the swaying lilt of the music and the beat of the dancers' feet. Ethne drew a breath of relief at her reprieve from her duties, and then dropping her partner's arm, crossed to a side table. "The post is in," she said. "There are letters, one, two, three, for you, and a little box."

She shook her head. "I never heard a note of it," said she. "Whistle it all through. And now once again," she added, after I had done so. "Haenae I got just the lilt of it? Isnae this the tune that ye whustled?" "You see," she says, "I can do the poetry too, only it won't rhyme. And then again: "I am Miss Grant, sib to the Advocate: You, I believe, are Dauvit Balfour."

Loud shouts of approval followed his speech, and a gunner, who now held the rank of captain, exclaimed enthusiastically: "Navarrete, the hero of Lepanto and Haarlem, is right! I know whom I will choose." "Victor, victor Navarrete!" echoed from many a bearded lilt. But Zorrillo interrupted these declarations, exclaiming, not without dignity, while raising his baton still higher.

Beranger might have written a lilt for it, as far as mere syllables go, but Beranger to write about Miss Butterfly! pho, no Frenchman could possibly catch it. Swinburne could fit the metres, I dare say, but he couldn't fit the feeling. It shall be a song without words, unless I write some Italian lines for it myself.