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"Had he any thing about him of the look and way of a sailor?" she asked. "And did you notice, when you spoke to him, that he had a habit of playing with a locket on his watch-chain?" "There he is, het aff to a T!" cried Mrs. Inchbare. "Yer leddyship's weel acquented wi' him there's nae doot o' that." "I thought I had seen him," said Lady Lundie. "A modest, well-behaved young man, Mrs.

The same lady who had fed the carrots to the coster's donkey in London turned hastily into Ye Olde Greyfriars Dining-Rooms, and asked Mr. Traill for a basin of water. The landlord thought he must have misunderstood her. "Is it a glass of water your Leddyship's wanting?" "No, a basin, please; a large one, and very quickly."

"Doubtless, such were your leddyship's commands, and to the best of my remembrance" was Mysie answering, when her ladyship broke in with, "Then wherefore is the venison pasty placed on the left side of the throne, and the stoup of claret upon the right, when ye may right weel remember, Mysie, that his most sacred majesty with his ain hand shifted the pasty to the same side with the flagon, and said they were too good friends to be parted?"

"I have no doubt it is the same." "Will she be a freend o' yer leddyship's?" asked Mrs. Inchbare, feeling her ground cautiously. "Certainly not!" said Lady Lundie. "I felt a passing curiosity about her nothing more." Mrs. Inchbare looked relieved. "To tell ye truth, my leddy, there was nae love lost between us.

Butler look confused, she said again to Duncan somethin sharply, "Did you not send the letter last night, sir?" "In troth and I didna, and I crave your leddyship's pardon; but you see, matam, I thought it would do as weel to-tay, pecause Mrs. Putler is never taen out o'sorts never and the coach was out fishing and the gig was gane to Greenock for a cag of prandy and Put here's his Grace's letter."

"An' I like best to read jist as yer leddyship's readin' the noo, lyin' o' the san' hill, wi' the haill sea afore me, an naething atween me an' the icebergs but the watter an' the stars an' a wheen islands. It's like readin' wi' fower een, that!" "And what do you read on such occasions?" carelessly drawled his persecutor.

"I'm glaidder nor ever 'at I wasna born ane," said Malcolm, and, slowly stooping, he lifted the handkerchief; "an' I was aye glaid o' that, my leddy, 'cause gien I had been, I wad hae been luikin' doon upo' workin' men like mysel' as gien they warna freely o' the same flesh an' blude. But I beg yer leddyship's pardon for takin' ye up amiss.

"I dinna pretend to say that, my leddy, in regard o' your leddyship's conscience, which has been brought up, as it were, wi' prelatic principles; but ilka ane maun walk by the light o' their ain; and mine," said Mause, waxing bolder as the conference became animated, "tells me that I suld leave a' cot, kale-yard, and cow's grass and suffer a', rather than that I or mine should put on harness in an unlawfu' cause,"

Whan I took hame yer leddyship's buik the ither day, ye sent me half a croon by the han' o' yer servan' lass. Afore her I wasna gaein' to disalloo onything ye pleased wi' regaird to me; an' I thocht wi' mysel' it was maybe necessar' for yer leddyship's dignity an' the luik o' things " "How dare you hint at any understanding between you and me?" exclaimed the girl in cold anger.

She told me to give you her kindest regairds and beg you to excuse her not writing. They were all on their heads, so to speak, as ye can understand." "Yes, of course. Well, we must just hope the little lady will pull through all right. If I don't hear from Lady Elspeth I will call now and again for your latest news." "Surely, sir. Jannet'll be letting me know, if her leddyship's too busy.