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Juvat insanire this their way is their folly, as auld Benjamin o' Tudela saith of the heathen. Heigho! 'Forty years lang was he grevit wi' this generation, an' swore in his wrath that they suldna enter into his rest. Pulse? tongue? ay, shak your lugs, an' tak your fee, an' dinna keep auld folk out o' their graves. Can ye sing?" The doctor meekly confessed his inability.

"Jews and oh! pulverem Olympicum collegisse juvat, my dear mother, which means that it is a pleasure to take a pinch out of a brave man's snuff-box. I say, mother, put down the posset. Yes, I'll take it; I will, indeed. Now, then, sit here, that's right, and tell me all you know about this famous old Captain. Imprimis, he is older than my father?" "To be sure!" exclaimed my mother, indignantly.

But there will be here and there a Latin scholar who will be pleased with the way in which the speaker turned a compliment to the candidate before him, with a reference to one of his poems and to some of his prose works. "Juvat nuper audivisse eum cujus carmen prope primum 'Folium ultimum' nominatum est, folia adhuc plura e scriniis suis esse prolaturum.

Even Macpherson never mounted his ancestors on horseback, though he has the impudence to talk of their being car-borne and that, my lord, is what is running in Hector's head it is the vehicular, not the equestrian exercise, which he envies Sunt quos curriculo pulverem Olympicum Collegisse juvat.

For my part, I own myself of that humble kind of mortals who consider themselves born for the behoof of some great man or other, and could I behold his happiness carved out of the labour and ruin of a thousand such reptiles as myself I might with satisfaction exclaim, Sic, sic juvat: but when I behold one GREAT MAN starving with hunger and freezing with cold, in the midst of fifty thousand who are suffering the same evils for his diversion; when I see another, whose own mind is a more abject slave to his own greatness, and is more tortured and racked by it, than those of all his vassals; lastly, when I consider whole nations rooted out only to bring tears into the eyes of a GREAT MAN, not indeed because he hath extirpated so many, but because he had no more nations to extirpate, then truly I am almost inclined to wish that Nature had spared us this her MASTERPIECE, and that no GREAT MAN had ever been born into the world.

I have heard in particular, that the Steenkirk arrived but two months ago at Newcastle, and that there are several commodes in those parts which are worth taking a journey thither to see. C. No. 130. Semperque recentes Convectare juvat praedas, et vivere rapto. VIRG. AEn. vii. ver. 748. Hunting their sport, and plund'ring was their trade.

Prim women, wearing enormously long waists, and their heads a good deal on one side, pointed their fans at him, while he washed his hands, with a coquetry irresistible, had their colours only stood, combining entreaty and command; while a jolly old boy in flowing wig, steel breast-plate, and the most convivial of noses, smiled in his face, as who should say, "Audaces Fortuna juvat!

'Pooh," said I, "'Quid juvat errores mersa jam puppe fateri." Was it not good? you remember it in Claudian, eh, Pelham? Think of its being thrown away on those Latinless young lubbers! Have you seen any thing of Mr. Thornton lately?" "No," said I, "I've not, but I am determined to have that pleasure soon."

But leaving this to their own Reflections, I shall conclude this Trouble with what Caesar said upon the Irregularity of Tone in one who read before him, Do you read or sing? If you sing, you sing very ill. Philip Stubbs, afterwards Archdeacon of St. No. 148 Monday, August 20, 1711 Steele 'Exempta juvat spinis e pluribus una. Hor.

'Pooh," said I, "'Quid juvat errores mersa jam puppe fateri." Was it not good? you remember it in Claudian, eh, Pelham? Think of its being thrown away on those Latinless young lubbers! Have you seen any thing of Mr. Thornton lately?" "No," said I, "I've not, but I am determined to have that pleasure soon."