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But leaving this to their own Reflections, I shall conclude this Trouble with what Caesar said upon the Irregularity of Tone in one who read before him, Do you read or sing? If you sing, you sing very ill. Philip Stubbs, afterwards Archdeacon of St. No. 148 Monday, August 20, 1711 Steele 'Exempta juvat spinis e pluribus una. Hor.

Brocklesby to the last Academy dinner, when, as he boasted, 'he went up all the stairs to the pictures without stopping to rest or to breathe. Ante, p. 270, note 2. Quid te exempta levat spinis de pluribus una? 'Pluck out one thorn to mitigate thy pain, What boots it while so many more remain? FRANCIS. Horace, 2 Epistles, ii. 212. See ante, iii. 4, note 2. Sir Joshua's physician.

Of this kind are the derivatives length from long, strength from strong, darling from dear, breadth from broad, from dry, drought, and from high, height, which Milton, in zeal for analogy, writes highth. 'Quid te exempta juvat spinis de pluribus una? To change all would be too much, and to change one is nothing.

I am favoured with a degree of ease that very much delights me, and do not despair of another race upon the stairs of the Academy . If I were, however, of a humour to see, or to shew the state of my body, on the dark side, I might say, "Quid te exempta juvat spinis de pluribus una ?" The nights are still sleepless, and the water rises, though it does not rise very fast.