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Updated: August 4, 2024

In the meantime, Bishop Pendle went up to London and drew out of the Ophir Bank a sum of two hundred pounds, in twenty ten-pound notes. With this money he returned to Beorminster and kept an appointment, on the common, with Jentham, when returning on Sunday night from Southberry.

Jentham was staggered by the boldness of the chaplain, and stared at him open-mouthed; then recovering his speech, he poured forth such a volley of vile words at Cargrim that the chaplain stepped to the door and called the landlord. He felt that it was time for him to assert himself.

The bishop rose, and walking over to the tea-table placed his cup carefully thereon. 'With a scar, he repeated in low tones. 'A man with a scar Jentham indeed! What do you know of this person, Mr Cargrim? 'Absolutely nothing, rejoined the chaplain, with a satisfied glance at the uneasy face of his questioner.

And what has all this to do with the murder of Jentham? 'Sir, said Baltic, with a cautious glance around, and sinking his voice to a whisper, 'Mr Cargrim suspects Dr Pendle of the crime. 'What!!! Sir Harry turned the colour of chalk, and sprang back until he almost touched the wall.

He told me about Jentham just before I went to Nauheim. 'Did Jentham give his name? 'No, but John, like many other people, saw the body in the dead-house. He there recognised Jentham by his gipsy looks and the scar on his face. Well, doctor, I wondered what the man could have said to so upset the bishop, but of course I did not dare to ask him.

It was by no means a scene into which the fastidious Cargrim would have ventured of his own free will, but his desire to pump Jentham was greater than his sense of disgust, and he walked briskly into the hotel, to where Mr Mosk and Bell were dispensing drinks as fast as they were able.

'Hev you the money, mister? inquired a sceptical listener. 'What's that to you? cried Jentham, and finished his drink. 'Yes, I have money! He set down his empty glass with a bang. 'At least I know where to get it. Bah! you fools, one can get blood out of a stone if one knows how to go about it. I know! I know! My Tom Tiddler's ground isn't far from your holy township, and he began to sing,

Jentham may not be Krant as you suspect. It may be a chance likeness a Gabriel shook his head. 'You can't argue away what I know to be true, he muttered, looking at the floor with dry, wild eyes. 'See my father and tell him what I have told you. He will not be able to deny his shame and the disgrace of his children.

'As a Gentile I would speak no word, but my brother you are, and as my brother you shall know. 'Know who killed Jentham! said Baltic, hastily. 'Of a truth, brother. But call him not Jentham, for he was of Pharaoh's blood. 'A gipsy, mother, or only a Romany rye? 'Of the old blood, of the true blood, of our religion verily, my brother.

'Man! cried Brace, with a start, 'you have not dared to accuse the bishop to Tinkler! 'Oh, no, sir! rejoined the ex-sailor, composedly. 'All I have done is to tell Tinkler that I wish to hunt down the murderer of Jentham, and to induce him to obtain for me a warrant of arrest against Mother Jael. 'Mother Jael, the gipsy hag! You don't suspect her, surely!

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