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They reached the Harrisons' place; and the footman who opened the door was startled out of his studied impassivity by the sight of a big bundle of bearskin in Montague's arms. "Send for Mrs. Harrison," said Montague, and laid the bundle upon a divan in the hall. "Get a doctor as quickly as you can," he added to a second attendant. Mrs. Harrison came. "It's Mr.

But with him such a consideration does not weigh!" "Oh!" sighed Barbara; "think of Granny!" "I prefer not to think of her," murmured Lady Valleys. "She's so wrapped up in you, Eusty. She always has believed in you intensely." Miltoun sighed. And, encouraged by that sound, Barbara went closer. It was plain enough that, behind his impassivity, a desperate struggle was going on in Miltoun.

He cursed the priest under his breath, choked on the food; he was heartily sorry that he had obeyed the fleeting impulse to enter. But even the anger expired before Merlier's impassivity he must as well curse a figure carved from granite, cast in lead.

It loved the smoothness of young girls' bodies. It was attuned to the music of the spheres. It could hold in leash the outrageous temperaments that responded to his baton and look with impassivity, even cruelty, upon torture. Mostly the torture of women. Also it could brighten out of its imperturbability at the steaming sight of a dish of sauerbraten. There had been no sauerbraten on Mrs.

The door flew open and a man whose ordinary impassivity was touched with a pleasurable excitement stood on the threshold. "If you please, sir, there's some rough-looking men just sneaked up on the lawn. Ten or twelve sort of a mob-like, Hi should say " "What do they want?" demanded Stanhope in a high voice. "No good, sir, I'm thinking," said the servant shaking his head.

Mere impassivity supplied no real cloak, for Curtis, in his time, had dealt with Chinese mandarins whose countenances betrayed no more expression than a carved ivory mask. "But it was de Courtois who meant to marry Lady Hermione?" persisted Steingall. "That remains to be seen. The person who did marry her signed himself John Delancy Curtis." Instantly the detective turned to Otto Schmidt.

He had given no sign of being impressed in any manner by her exposure of Mary Vertrees's character; but his impassivity did not dismay Sibyl it was Bibbs whom she desired to impress, and she was content in that matter. "I'm sure it was all for the best," she said. "It's over now, and he knows what she is.

Since that only eight days before she strove to reach your ear with her thousand prayers, and you but clothed yourself in divine impassivity while fate accomplished its purpose, think you that she questions your goodness or your power? It would indeed have been to misjudge her.

The owners of the huts, their peaceful brethren, were impassive with the stonelike impassivity of Aztec idols; others, more human, with a slow smile on their colorless lips and beardless faces, watched these fierce men who less than a month ago had made the miserable huts of others tremble with fear, now in their turn fleeing their own huts where the ovens were cold and the water tanks dry, fleeing with their tails between their legs, cringing, like curs kicked out of their own houses.

The baronet deliberately put his hands behind him, and the other halted suddenly. "Fairfield!" Then it was that the impassivity of Sir Ralph vanished. He gripped his visitor by the arm, almost shaking him in a gust of quick, nervous passion. "You fool you damned fool! Why have you come here? If they catch you, you will be hanged. Do you know that? For all I know the place is watched.