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When he said to her: "Bertha, I shall never see Jenny again." She answered, ironically: "Mademoiselle Courtois will be very grateful to you!" That evening, while Sauvresy was crossing the court-yard, he saw a beggar at the gate, making signs to him. "What do you want, my good man?" The beggar looked around to see that no one was listening.

M. Courtois heard this exclamation. "Ah, yes, wretch indeed," he cried, "this vile villain who has crept in in the dark, and stolen my dearest treasure, my darling child! Alas, she knew nothing of life. He whispered into her ear those fond words which make the hearts of all young girls throb; she had faith in him; and now he abandons her. Oh, if I knew who he was if I knew "

Instead of taking the high road, they cut across a pathway which ran along beside Mme. de Lanascol's park, and led diagonally to the wire bridge; this was the shortest way to the inn where M. Lecoq had left his slight baggage. As they went along, M. Plantat grew anxious about his good friend, M. Courtois. "What misfortune can have happened to him?" said he to Dr. Gendron.

This conviction was transformed into certainty when the final performance began, and the Ratisbon choir, under the direction of Damian Feys, commenced the mighty hymn with which the composer, Jean Courtois, had greeted the Emperor Charles in Cambray: "Venite populi terrai" "Come hither, ye nations of the earth" this motet for four voices called imperiously to all mankind like a joyous summons.

"If it were only that!" muttered he. He added, turning to M. Domini: "Do you recall the allusions of Bertaud, monsieur?" The judge of instruction, the doctor, and M. Plantat exchanged a significant look. What misfortune had befallen M. Courtois, this worthy, and despite his faults, excellent person? Decidedly, this was an ill-omened day!

But you know, the first thing is to engage Laurence's affections; her father adores her, and would not, I am sure, give her to a man whom she herself had not chosen." "Don't disturb yourself," answered Hector, with a gesture of triumph, "she will love me." The next day he took occasion to encounter M. Courtois, who invited him to dinner.

You strike me as being sane, yet you ask me to believe that you have acted like a lunatic. Well, let it go at that. Who is this Jean de Courtois, whom Lady Hermione Grandison was to have married to-night?"

He remembered the day spent at Courtois' mill, and his thoughts returned to the round pool among the willows that he saw as he came along by the little river, such a pool as you often find on small streams, with a still, smooth surface that conceals great depths beneath. The water is neither green nor blue nor white nor tawny; it is like a polished steel mirror.

Had I seen him myself, I would have settled that point in a moment, because he often came here to visit Mr. de Courtois." "Indeed! That is very interesting, most decidedly interesting." "Are you quite certain that what you are saying is correct? Mr. Hunter, the murdered man, was acquainted with Monsieur de Courtois?"

As a consequence, some knowledge of de Courtois was probably awaiting the first questioner at the inquiry counter. What a whimsical incongruity it would be if he were told that the French music-master around whom the inquiry pivoted was within arm's length all the time! He had actually turned to the door in order to summon the hotel clerk when that worthy himself knocked and entered.