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"But nothing," pursued the mayor, "can justify a curiosity, which by its importunate attempts to be satisfied, embarrasses the investigation, and is, at all events, a punishable interference with the cause of justice. Why this unwonted gathering? Why these rumors and noises? These premature conjectures?" "There were several consultations," said M. Plantat, "which did not have favorable results.

I know him, simply because he used to sell me the grapes and strawberries from the count's conservatories; I suppose he stole them; we divided the money, and I left." Plantat could not refrain from an exclamation of satisfaction, as if to say, "Good luck! I knew it well enough!" When he said he would be sent to prison, Bertaud was not wrong. The judge ordered his arrest.

He found deeds of the Morin property and of the Frapesle and Peyron lands; there were also two bonds, for one hundred and fifty and eight hundred and twenty francs, signed by two Orcival citizens in Robelot's favor. M. Plantat could scarcely conceal his disappointment. "Nothing of importance," whispered he in M. Lecoq's ear. "How do you explain that?" "Perfectly," responded the detective.

"The crime must evidently have been committed as you say," said he. There was another embarrassing silence. M. Lecoq's obstinate muteness annoyed Plantat, who finally asked him: "Have you seen all you want to see?" "All for to-day; I shall need daylight for what remains. I am confident, indeed, that with the exception of one detail that worries me, I have the key to the mystery."

Why I, who knew or suspected, I should say what had passed, was deceived myself." Promptly as M. Plantat had corrected himself, his slip of the tongue did not escape M. Lecoq. "Was it really a slip, or not?" he asked himself.

M. Plantat perceived that M. Lecoq guessed his thoughts; and did not understand the detective's capriciousness; a little while before, he had been very loquacious, but now held his tongue. M. Lecoq, on the other hand, was delighted to puzzle the old man a little, and formed the intention to astonish him the next morning, by giving him a report which should faithfully reflect all his ideas.

Janouille was a remarkable cook; M. Plantat had ample experience of the fact when he began upon her dishes. But he was not hungry, and could not force himself to eat; he could not think of anything but a plan which he had to propose to his host, and he had that oppressive feeling which is experienced when one is about to do something which has been decided on with hesitation and regret.

A crime has been committed perhaps a murder you must go quickly. And you," addressing the poachers, "await me here while I slip on my coat." The justice of the peace at Orcival, M. Plantat "Papa Plantat," as he was called was formerly an attorney at Melun. At fifty, Mr.

There was then no splash, therefore no violent fall; therefore the countess was not killed here; therefore her body was brought here, and carefully deposited where you found it." M. Plantat did not seem to be quite convinced yet. "But there are the traces of a struggle in the sand," said he. His companion made a gesture of protest.

He was respectful, and stood as stiffly as a well-drilled grenadier before his sergeant. "What the deuce brought you here?" said M. Lecoq, sternly. "And who dared to give you my address?" "Monsieur," said Goulard, visibly intimidated by his reception, "please excuse me; I was sent by Doctor Gendron with this letter for Monsieur Plantat."

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