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I raised my head and looked at her wistfully. 'I think there is letter of bad news from the attorney in London. 'Oh! I said, in a tone which I am sure implied the absolute indifference of dejection. 'But, my dear Maud, if't be so, we shall go at once, you and me, to join Meess Millicent in France. La belle France! You weel like so moche! We shall be so gay.

Mine's different, 'cause mine is poetry an' theirs is prosy. There! I guess maybe you can read it, even if't is my writin'," she finished, taking a sheet of note-paper from her bag and carefully spreading it out for Miss Dorothy to read. And this is what Dorothy read: CONTENTMENT

The clouds are rich and dark, the air serene, So like the soul of me, what if't were me?" These are the last two lines of "The Flute, from Hilali": "Saying, Sweetheart! the old mystery remains, If I am I; thou, thou, or thou art I?" The same transfer of personality is hinted in the line of Shelley's "Ode to the West Wind": "Be thou, Spirit fierce, My spirit! Be thou me, impetuous one!"

I hope, Mercy, these tears of thine will not be lost; for the truth hath said, that 'They that sow in tears shall reap in joy' in singing. Then said Mercy Let the Most Blessed be my guide, If't be His blessed will; Unto His gate, into His fold, Up to His holy hill. And let Him never suffer me To swerve or turn aside From His free grace, and holy ways, Whate'er shall me betide.

Watson but it's more 'n a fleabite else he wouldn't take his bed. But I hopes I'll have un to rights again in a week or so. 'Mind me to take a bottle of last summer's Marshmally brew, Chris. Doctors laugh at such physic, but I knaw what I knaw." "Wonder if't would better him to see me?" mused Will. "No, no; no call for that.

And Susan, not daring to unclose her lips, wrested the garments from the hooks, dropped them on to the chair by the bed, and fled from the room. But she had not reached the hall below when the sobs shook her frame. "An' me talkin' like that when I'd be willin' to walk all day on my hands an' knees, if't would help him one little minute," she choked.

Donee managed to whisper, if she were to have a party the next day, could the children come to it? and their mother said: "Certainly, in the evening." When the little girl ran down the hill, the miller said: "Seems as if't would be easy to make Christians out of them two." "I'm going to do what I can for Donee," said the miller's wife.

I don't think he'll come back again after the reception we've gi'ed 'em. As for the other, it's gone out o' its senses. Dash my buttons, if't ain't goin' to sink! Ha! I must hinder that. Quick, Will'm, shy me that piece o' sennit: we must secure him 'fore he gives clean up and goes to the bottom. Talk o' catching fish wi' hook an' line! Aha! This beats all your small fry.

The story of Orpheus has furnished Pope with an illustration of the power of music, for his "Ode for St. Cecilia's Day" The following stanza relates the conclusion of the story: "But soon, too soon the lover turns his eyes; Again she falls, again she dies, she dies! How wilt thou now the fatal sisters move? No crime was thine, if't is no crime to love.

'Tw'ud be worse than death to Jerrem if't should iver come to Adam's ears: why, he'd have his life if he swung gallows-high for takin' of it. So, like a good maid, keep it from un now, 'cos they'm all on the eve o' startin', and by the time they comes home agen Jerrem 'ull have forgot all about 'ee." Eve hesitated: "I told him if ever he spoke like that to me again I'd tell Adam."