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Updated: August 27, 2024

"Dot is it, Captain; by Chiminy, he vos took by der ear by his voman und led in der house. Vot you calls dot, if he vos not brisoner, hay?" "Why, she is his wife." "Veil, dot may be, too," he insisted stoutly. "His frau, yaw, dot is it, but by Chiminy, he fights mit her yoost der same, und vos brisoner; und I vos vounded mit der ear off, und vos hongry as never vos."

Hortense doted on ginger cookies. "De's de jar," said Aunt Esmerelda, pointing to a big crock on the pantry shelf. "Whenevah yo's hongry, jes' yo' he'p yo'se'f." Hortense sat on a chair in the corner, out of the way, and watched Aunt Esmerelda cook. "What was the thing you and Uncle Jonah heard?" she asked at last abruptly. "Wha's dat?" Aunt Esmerelda said, dropping a saucepan with a clatter.

An' then he sot out ter be mighty funny, an' mocked the way I useter call the t'other chil'n 'Fambly, sech ez 'Fambly, kem ter dinner, Fambly! 'Shet up yer cryin', Fambly! An' then he tole how I cooked gathered all sorts o' yarbs an' vegetables tergether an' sot a pot ter bile, an' whenever 'Fambly' war hongry 'Fambly' tuk a snack, an' gracefully eat out'n the pot with thar fingers.

"Thank 'ee, thank 'ee, plenty good. A feller 'at's as hongry as I am kin go through a bone like a feesh through water." Clark laughed and said: "I don't see any teeth that you have worth mentioning, but your gums may be unusually sharp." "Ya-a-s, 'bout as sharp as yer wit, Colonel Clark, an' sharper'n yer eyes, a long shot. Ye don't know me, do ye?

Dey called it a vict'ry an' bragged 'bout Vicksburg a-fallin', but hongry folks aint got no fight lef' in 'em. Us folks was starved into surrenderin'. "De slaves spected a heap from freedon dey didn' git. Dey was led to b'lieve dey would have a easy time go places widout passes an have plenty o' spendin' money. But dey sho' got fooled. Mos' of 'em didn' fin' deyse'ves no better off.

"I s'pose y' air tired an' hongry; ye look hit," said the woman, with a compassionate glance at Harry, who had sunk limpy into a chair before the glowing wood-fire that filled up a large part of the end of the room. "Set down by the fire," she continued, "an' I'll git ye some pone an' milk. Thar's nothin' better ter start in on when yer rale empty."

"With a flourish he poured the coffee, saying, "Let's see if you so hongry lak you pretend, or if I'm goin' keep you in bed some more." Rouletta's appetite was all yes, more than she had declared it to be. The liberality with which she helped herself to oatmeal, her lavish use of the sugar spoon, and her determined attack upon the can of "Carnation" satisfied any lingering doubts in Doret's mind.

Recognizing the voice of Emma Jane, she says to herself: "She hongry, I spek," and trudges on, in nowise disturbed by this familiar sound. But, when they enter the yard, there is only Emma Jane, bawling, open-mouthed, beside the baby, who, with the house pig, lies asleep on the warm sand.

Dat's de time you wanter git outer de way or you'll git hurted." "Who did you say was the beggar?" It was all Greek to Harry. "Why, Marse George was he was de one what was gwine hongry. De colonel 'lowed dat de bank was busted an' " "What bank?" "Why de 'Tapsco whar Marse George keep his money. Ain't you see me comin' from dar mos' ebery day?" "But it hasn't failed, has it?"

The mother caught her little girl to her, sinking down upon her knees, putting her arms around her, holding her close. "No, no, gry all so mudge es you want. Say dot you are hongry. Say ut egen, say ut all de dime, ofer end ofer egen. Say ut, poor, starfing, leedle babby. Oh, mein poor, leedle tochter. My Gott, oh, I go crazy bretty soon, I guess. I cen't hellup you.

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