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Updated: September 16, 2024
"'Taint polite to look surprised when a woman says she's a-goin' to get married. Every woman under ninety-eight has expectations. While there's life there's hope that some man will make a fool of himself. But unless I miss my guess, you don't catch me surrenderin' my independence. As long as I have enough to eat and am well, I'm contented." "You certainly look the picture of health, Mrs. Burke."
"I'll do my surrenderin' to Iroquois when they've got my hands an' feet tied, an' six or seven uv 'em are settin' on my back," said Tom Ross. "We'll leave as soon as we can get arms for Sol and Paul," said Henry. "Of course it would be foolish of us to stay here and be captured again. Besides, we'll be needed badly enough by the women and children that are going."
They don't regyard themse'fs as surrenderin' neither; they esteems passin' me the lance as inauguratin' a armistice an' looks on themse'fs as guests of honor an' onder my safegyard, free to say "How!" an' vamos back to the warpath ag'in whenever the sperit of blood begins to stir within their breasts.
Dey called it a vict'ry an' bragged 'bout Vicksburg a-fallin', but hongry folks aint got no fight lef' in 'em. Us folks was starved into surrenderin'. "De slaves spected a heap from freedon dey didn' git. Dey was led to b'lieve dey would have a easy time go places widout passes an have plenty o' spendin' money. But dey sho' got fooled. Mos' of 'em didn' fin' deyse'ves no better off.
During the conversation Bony Sawyer had been busy with a stick and a piece of rag, and now as he turned toward his companions once more they saw that he had rigged a white flag of surrender. None interfered as he raised it above the edge of the breastwork. Immediately there was a hail from below. It was Ward's voice. "Surrenderin', eh? Comin' to your senses, are you?" he shouted.
"'Texas,'says Boggs, settin' down his glass an' bendin' a eye full of indignant reproach on Thompson; 'Texas, before I'd give way to sech onmanly weakness, jest because my wife's done stampeded, I'd j'ine the church. Sech mush from a cow-man is disgraceful. You'll come down to herdin' sheep if you keeps on surrenderin' yourse'f to sech sloppy bluffs.
I'd die before I surrendered my name; for in surrenderin' that, I surrender my principles." "Exactly," said Mr. Slick, "that's what Brother Eldad used to say. 'Sam, said he, 'a man with an alias is the worst character in the world; for takin' a new name, shows he is ashamed of his old one; and havin' an old one, shows his new one is a cheat." "No," said Mr.
He opened the door with a kick, shut it behind him with a slam. The three at the table glanced at one another. "Say what ye like," grumbled Tim, "but me and that guy don't hold no mush party. I don't like his map. I don't like his manners. And he looks too much like the Fritz that shot me in the back with a kamerad gun after surrenderin'. I was in hospital three months.
I'd die before I surrendered my name; for in surrenderin' that, I surrender my principles." "Exactly," said Mr. Slick, "that's what Brother Eldad used to say. 'Sam, said he, 'a man with an alias is the worst character in the world; for takin' a new name, shows he is ashamed of his old one; and havin' an old one, shows his new one is a cheat." "No," said Mr.
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