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Updated: August 6, 2024

This influx of "little strangers" induced the building of so many wings to Sea-beach Villa, that its body at last became lost in its wings, and gave rise to a prophecy that it would one day rise into the air and fly away: up to the present time, however, this remains a portion of unfulfilled prophecy. Mr Hazlit became rich again, not indeed so rich as at first, but comfortably rich.

"I am sorry to disappoint your expectations," returned the Jew, with something approaching to a sneer, as he rose; and, selecting one from a pile of English newspapers, slowly read out to his companion the announcement of the failure of the firm of Hazlit and Company. "You see, my good friend, we Jews are very knowing as well as sharp.

"I suppose we must go below again," said Aileen, sadly, after the captain returned from the bridge, to which he had gone to examine the prows in question. "Not yet, Miss Hazlit. It will probably be an hour ere we come up with them. You'd better enjoy the morning air while you may. I'll warn you in good time."

The man at the door said this in a very surly tone, for the slight tendency to politeness which had begun to manifest itself while the prospect of "a job" was hopeful, vanished before the haughty manner of the merchant. "Well, it is just possible that I may require the assistance of divers," said Mr Hazlit, ringing the bell; "when I do, I can send for you. John, show this person out."

"Does a diver named Baldwin live here?" asked Mr Hazlit of a figure which he found standing in a doorway near the end of a narrow passage. The figure was hazy and indistinct by reason of the heavy wreaths of tobacco-smoke wherewith it was enveloped. "Yis, sur," replied the figure; "he lives in the door it the other ind o' the passage.

"Mr Hazlit," he stammered, "pray pardon my sudden intrusion at so unseasonable an hour; but, really, I was not aware that did you not get my telegram, aunt?" He turned abruptly to Miss Pritty. "Why ye-es, but I thought that you in fact I could not imagine that "

At that moment the bushes behind the latter opened; a man in ragged shirt-sleeves and torn trousers sprang through, whirled a mighty club in the air, and smote the pirate's uplifted shield with such violence as to crush it down on its owner's head, and lay him flat and senseless on the ground. "Mr Hazlit!" gasped Edgar.

Now, the favour I ask is that you will consider me as indeed I am one of your true friends, and accept of a loan of two or three hundred pounds " "Impossible, sir, im it is very kind of you very, Mr Berrington but, impossible," said Mr Hazlit, struggling between kindly feeling and hurt dignity. "Nay, but," pleaded Edgar, "I only offer you a loan.

He proceeded to unlock, the fastenings of the little box, which was made of some dark metal resembling iron, and was deeply as well as richly embossed on the lid and sides with quaint figures and devices. Mr Hazlit had acquired a grand, free-handed way of manipulating treasure.

But soon the calm regions were passed; the Cape of Storms was doubled, and the fierce "south-easters" of the Indian seas were encountered, during which period Mr Hazlit passed away, as one of the things that had been, from the memory of all on board, with the exception of Aileen, the captain, the bed-room steward, and a Christian pastor, who, with his amiable wife, had done much during the voyage for their fellow-passengers.

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