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I think your dear mother was wrong," continued Mr Hazlit, with a mournful smile, "but, whether right or wrong, you can bear me witness that I have sought to fulfil the second part of her dying request, and I now accomplish the first."

"Good-evening, Miss Hazlit," said Edgar, recovering himself, and holding out his hand as he advanced towards her; "I did not anticipate the pleasure of meeting you here." "Then you are acquainted already!" exclaimed Miss Pritty, looking as much amazed as if the accident of two young people being acquainted without her knowledge were something tantamount to a miracle.

Oh ma cushla astore, forgive me! It's a gorilla I thought ye was, sure, for I hadn't time to look, d'ee see. It's wishin' you had staved in my timbers intirely I am." Rooney's exclamations were here cut short, and turned on another theme by the sudden appearance of Aileen Hazlit, who soon found that her friend was more alarmed than hurt.

"Gentlemen," said the captain of the gun-boat to Mr Hazlit and Edgar as they sat that morning at breakfast, "it is my intention to run to the nearest town on the coast which happens to be Muku have these pirates tried and shot, then proceed to Singapore, and perhaps run thence to the coast of China.

So, too, with the cups: they were placed equidistant from the teapot, the sides of the tray, and each other, while a salver of cake on one side of the table was scrupulously balanced by a plate of buns on the other side. "Miss Aileen Hazlit," announced Miss Pritty's small and only domestic, who flung wide open the door of the boudoir, as its owner was fond of styling it.

On the evening in which we introduce her, Miss Pritty was going to have her dear and intimate friend Aileen Hazlit to tea, and she laid out her little tea-table with as much care as an engineer might have taken in drawing a mathematical problem.

"What a peaceful evening!" remarked Aileen. "How different," said Edgar, "from that of which it is the anniversary! Don't you remember that this is the evening of the day in which we attacked the Malay pirates long ago?" "So it is. I had forgotten," said Mr Hazlit. "Dinner, sir," said a boy in buttons, who bore a marked resemblance to the green-grocer's wife.

However, mastering his feelings, he again demanded advice as to what he should do in the circumstances. "You han't told me the circumstances yet," said the diver quietly. "Well, here they are. Old Mr Hazlit " "What! Hazlit? Miss Hazlit, is that her name?" cried Baldwin, with a look of pleased surprise. "Yes, do you know her?" "Know her? Of course I do.

When Mr Hazlit and his daughter had, with great difficulty, discovered Mr Timms' residence and approached the door, they were checked on the threshold by the sound of men apparently in a state of violent altercation within. "Git out wid ye, an' look sharp, you spalpeen," cried one of the voices. "Oh, pray don't don't fight!" cried a weak female voice.

The green-grocer examined the paper, and said it was that five pounds was the exact amount. "You can put the receipt in your pocket," said Mr Hazlit, turning round and counting out five sovereigns on the table, which he pushed towards the landlord.