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Says he mournfully, "I have got to find 'The Gimlet." "The Gimlet!" I sithed to myself; and the wild and harrowin' thought went through me like a arrow, that my worst apprehensions had been realized, and that man had been a writing poetry. But then I remembered that he had promised me years ago, that he never would tackle the job agin.

I'm sure we never had such queer weather afore. But them bugs are the hardest critturs to kill. It's almost impossible to dispose on 'em; and it does seem enough, what with ploughin' and plantin' and harrowin' and hoein' to git a few potatoes, and like enough, wet weather to rot 'em, without havin' to fight over 'em, for the last chance, with a whole army of varmint.

She faced danger, and died a hundred deaths in the thought of the danger to them she loved. I see the very splinters that the cruel shells and cannon balls split and tore right over her head. Good honorable splinters and not skairful to look at today, but hard, and piercin', and harrowin' through them days and nights.

Which brings out harrowin' tales of war-wrecked homes, where no buttling had been done for months, where chauffeurs and gardeners were only represented by stars on the service flag, and from which even personal maids had gone to be stenographers and nurses. But chiefly it was the missin' cook who was mourned.

The boy, havin' wore himself out a harrowin' his uncle Josiah and Ury with questions, had laid down on the crimson rug in front of the fire, and wus fast asleep, gettin' strength for new labors. And Cicely sot in a little low rockin'-chair by the side of him.

An' now, he concluded, changing his tone, 'is yer uncle about t' place? 'He's up the paddock, I think, she answered. 'Well, I'll jest step oop and hev a word wi' him. 'Ye're ... ye will na tell him. 'Tut, tut, na harrowin' tales, ye need na fear, lass. I reckon ef I can tackle mother, I can accommodate myself t' parson Blencarn. He rose, and coming close to her, scanned her face.

It seemed as if I left off every five minutes to wait on Josiah Allen, to find somethin' that he wanted and couldn't find, or else to do somethin' for him that he couldn't do. Truly, it was a wild and harrowin' time, and tegus. But I kept a firm holt of my principles, and didn't groan not when anybody could hear me.

"Aw, Miss Hammond, thankin' you all modest-like fer the compliment, I'll hev to refuse," replied Monty, laboring in distress. "It's too harrowin' fer tender-hearted gurls to listen to." "Go on?" cried everybody except the cowboys. Nels began to nod his head as if he, as well as Monty, understood human nature. Dorothy hugged her knees with a kind of shudder.

"Which these queernesses of Dave's," observed the Old Cattleman, "has already been harrowin' an' harassin' up the camp for mighty likely she's two months, when his myster'ous actions one evenin' in the Red Light brings things to a climax, an' a over-strained public, feelin' like it can b'ar no more, begins to talk.

"Now guide right! Hep, hep, hep parade rest here you are! And here's the blank you write it on. Now go to it!" "I er but I'm not quite sure," protests Ferdie, peelin' off one of his chamois gloves, "I'm not quite sure of just what I ought to say." "That bein' the case," says I, "it's lucky you ran into me, ain't it? Now what's the argument?" Course it was a harrowin' crisis.