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Updated: August 13, 2024

"Yes; I think she meant it to be a message for you." "Dear mother! I have thought that Phil was with me I did not know; but when I read the dates it made me remember, and I could not understand. She has gone and Phil has gone and I am here alone." "No, not alone, dear Francis." He thought for a while. "But, have I not seen Bill? Who lives here now? And Goodie? surely Goodie is real "

But from the way Charley talks, and tries to cover up his breaks, I feel sure that your father is alive." "Oh, goodie!" she cried and before he could stop her she had stooped over and kissed his bruised head. "Now you know I'm sorry," she burst out impulsively, "and will you go out and look for him at once?" "Pretty soon," said Wiley, putting her gently away. "After I make my payment on the mine.

One morning Freddie and Flossie went out in the kitchen where Dinah and Martha were busy making sandwiches and wrapping cakes in waxed paper. "Are we going to have company?" asked Flossie. "We's gwine t' hab annuder picnic!" exclaimed Dinah. "A big one!" "Oh, goodie!" cried Freddie. "And I'm going to take my fire engine to the woods and squirt water on snakes."

Vernon. "Oh, goodie!" cried Flossie. "I hope it snows a lot!" "So do I!" added Freddie. "Could we send home for our sled if there's lots of snow, Daddy?" he asked. "I hardly think it would be worth while," said his father. "We are not going to be here much more than a week longer. And it would be quite a lot of work to get your sleds here and send them home again.

Then if she won't go we'll have to make up our minds to stay here all night or walk to the next garage." Accordingly the girls got in and Mollie pressed the self-starter. To her great surprise, the engine purred a response, and as she shifted her gears the car moved slowly forward. "Oh, goodie, we're going," cried Amy, and the faces of the other girls showed relief.

"Furdermore the deponant saith that Dauid Selleck was that same night with him and being laid downe on the bed me nie the garle and I laye by the bed sid on the chest and Dauid Selleck starte up suddenly and I asked wt was ye matter with him and hee answered shee pricked mee and the French garle answered noe shee did not it was goodie Crump and then shee put her hand ouer the bed sid and said give mee that thing that you pricked Mr.

The encircling multitude of youngsters darted upon the thickly-scattered delicacies like a flock of birds upon a field of grain, with patter, twitter and flutter, and a tremor and treble of little short laughs; small, eager hands trying in vain to shut fast upon a large apple and several ginger-nuts at one grasp; slippings and trippings, tousling of tresses and crushing of dresses; boys and girls higgledy- piggledy; caps and bonnets piggledy-higgledy; little, red-faced Alexanders looking half sad, because they had filled their small pocket-worlds and both hands with apples and nuts, and had no room nor holding for more; little girls, with broken bonnet-strings, and long, sunny hair dancing over their eyes, stretching their short fingers to grasp another goodie, all this, with the merry excitement of fathers and mothers, elder brothers and sisters, and other spectators, made it a scene of youthful life and delight which would test the genius of the best painters of the age to delineate.

"Well, since we really have to go out West to look after the lumber and cattle properties that are to be your mother's," said Mr. Bobbsey, "and since we must take you children with us, I'll see your teachers, Bert and Nan, and ask them if it will put you back much to lose the last two weeks of the term." "Oh, goodie! Goodie!" shrieked Nan, jumping up and down. "Hurray!" cried Bert.

So they got out of the gondola and walked across the square, for there wasn't anybody to be seen at so early an hour in the morning. And a great number of pigeons were flying about. Thousands and thousands of them. And Jackie Tar had a wonderful idea. "Let's ask the pigeons if they will help us." "Goodie!" said Sweetclover.

It was the "hole," as the outlaws termed it, that Hop was looking into, and there was Young Wild West, tied to the post, in plain view! "Lat petty goodie or petty bids, so be!" exclaimed Hop, under his breath, "Me finder Misler Wild petty quicken. But um bad Mexican mans goatee him, so be."

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