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Updated: November 13, 2024

I want to show you city rats something that you have never seen before." "Oh, goodie!" cried Twinkle. "Oh, goodie!" cried Winkle. "Hurrah! hurrah!" shouted Pinkie Whiskers. "Now, children, please stop shouting while I tell you my plan," begged Mother Gray. "It will soon be supper time, so how would you like to take our supper with us and eat it down by the creek?" "Oh, yes, a picnic, a picnic!

In consideration of the fact that there will be some inconveniences, in spite of all I can do, I am willing to make an increase of ten per cent. in the salaries of all of you, including Tommy and Nellie," and he smiled at the two children. "Oh, goodie! I'm going!" cried the small lad. "So'm I," voiced his sister. There was a moment of silence, while all the members of the company looked at Mr.

"Come on!" she called to the little twins, "we're going to get ice cream cones, it's so warm." "Oh, goodie!" cried Flossie. "I was just wishing for one." "So was I," added her brother. "And I'll ask you to my party next week," the little girl went on. "I'm going to have one on my birthday." "Oh, are you really, Flossie?" asked Nan. "I hadn't heard about it." "Yep I am.

"So am I," said Bea. "No more poems!" cried Robbie Belle and clapped her hands. "Oh, goodie!" Bea did her hair high for the first time in public on the evening of the Philalethean Reception in her sophomore year. As was to have been expected, this event of vital importance demanded such careful preparation that she missed the address in chapel altogether and was late for the first dance.

"Oh, goodie!" cried Sue, while Bunny smiled and danced his delight. Finally Camp Rest-a-While was quiet, for every one was in bed and the only noises to be heard were those made by the animals and insects of the wood, an owl now and then calling out: "Who? Who? Who?" just as if it were trying to find some one who was lost.

The circus went to Cuba soon after that, and has been traveling around that island ever since. I have only just received your last letter asking me about the cup, or I would have answered before. If you will send me directions how to ship the cup to you I shall be very glad to return it." "Oh goodie!" cried Freddie. "We'll have our nice cup again!"

He screamed at them, but they watched the brush fire that swept the hill top. It was a goodie. It would wipe out a number of homes. He grabbed a boy by the arm and demanded, "Look at the Ipplinger starship. Behold the glory of Ippling!" The ten-year-old sneered. "Yah! That's the new 1993 Lockheed X69-P37 experimental ship. I got a model last week." "No, no, lad!

"No, I'm going to treat them, too," insisted Nellie. "Come on!" she called to the little twins, "we're going to get ice cream cones, it's so warm." "Oh, goodie!" cried Flossie. "I was just wishing for one." "So was I," added her brother. "And I'll ask you to my party next week," the little girl went on. "I'm going to have one on my birthday." "Oh, are you really, Flossie?" asked Nan.

"We want to see Twisty-Tail." For the first and second little pigs, after having been saved by Uncle Wiggily, and taken home to Mother Goose, had come back to pay a visit to the bunny gentleman. "Well, perhaps I may meet Twisty-Tail when I go walking to-day," spoke Uncle Wiggily. "If I do I'll bring him home with me." "Oh, goodie!" cried Grunter and Squeaker.

"Yes, but I'll change it to suit you. Oh, goodie, goodie! You're going, you're going! I'm perfectly happy!" He found business which required a week and booked his passage with Harriet's on a Cunarder which sailed in ten days. A week later Nan and Bivens returned to their New York house. The papers were full of stories of his failing health.

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