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Old Goodie told me you had had a good night." "So I did, dearest, but I heard the rain nevertheless. I am afraid I was rather dull and stupid last evening. I am sorry." "You were not dull and stupid, but I think you were tired." He nodded. "My head felt rather tired. I found it difficult to collect my thoughts, and it worried me rather.

I think today I'll send you to the store for some raisins and citron and plums and other things to make puddings and pies." "Oh, goodie!" cried Flop Ear. "And maybe we can clean out same of the cake and pie dishes after you get through baking," suggested his brother. "I think you may," said their mamma. "But what can I do?" asked Baby Pinky, the littlest pig of them all.

It is a nice day, and they may catch a glimpse of the President. He often goes for a drive from the White House around Washington about this time." "Well, I suppose it will be a little treat for them," said Mrs. Bobbsey. "Oh, goodie!" shouted Freddie. So, a little later, the Bobbsey twins, with Nell and Billy Martin and one of the Martin maids, were walking toward the White House.

I can hear daddy getting up to fasten it." "It certainly is going to be a hard storm," Bert and Freddie heard their father say to their mother. "It's beginning to snow." "Oh goodie!" whispered Freddie. "Did you hear that, Bert?" "I certainly did." "We'll have some fun to-morrow," Freddie went on. "I can go coasting." "Yes, but go to sleep now," Bert advised.

Wee ascked hir whie shee skreemed out when shee fell into her fit. Shee answered goodie Clawson cam in with two firy eies.

"Aye, aye, sir," said Jackie Tar. "If you take my advice, we'll steer for India." "Why?" asked the Villain. "Because," said Jackie Tar, "from India there is always a ship bound for England and, once in England, we can easily get a ship for America." "Goodie!" said Sweetclover. And so Jackie Tar steered the raft in the direction of India, and they sailed with a good wind.

"If no one will give us a soldier"... "But I don't want a soldier," says Peggs. "I want a doll." "Let's make one," says Jackie. "That's a good way," says Peggs. "You bet," says Jackie, and he slapped one of his legs the way sailors do in tales of the sea. "What'll we make it of?" asked Peggs. "Things," says Jackie. "Goodie!" says Peggs.

Sue saw it and asked: "Oh, Bunny, is you got an idea?" "Yes," Bunny answered slowly, "I has got an idea." "Oh, goodie!" cried Sue. "Tell me about it, Bunny, and we'll do it!" Bunny often had ideas. That is, he thought of things to do, and nothing pleased Sue more than to do things with her brother.

"Yes; Goodie and Robert Gale have been with you all through, but it is Bill's son who lives here, now." And so with long pauses, that his shocked mind might grasp it, he told him the whole sad truth. And still Philippa neither moved nor spoke.

He wrote back 'Darling Goodie, and ended up 'Your loving little superior Boy. I saw the letter written in a sprawling childish hand with a line of crosses for kisses at the bottom of the page. It was rather sweet, wasn't it? "You never heard such stories as she told me. How he once dressed up in the coachman's livery and took the brougham to fetch his mother from Renwick.