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The woman chuckled and reached out a scrawny hand for the photograph. "See um, peegee?" she demanded. Constance nodded. "Black bear geeve um dis." "Black bear!" queried Constance in surprise, not knowing that this was the most offensive epithet in the Tukudh vocabulary. Again the old woman chuckled and grinned, exhibiting her toothless gums.

At length he turned, walked over to where Pete was lying, and touched him upon the shoulder. The Indian opened his eyes and looked around. "Come, Pete, it's time we were away." "Where, Dane?" "Down to the Fort." "Geeve up white woman, eh?" "Give her up? No," Dane savagely replied. "I'll never give her up. But don't ask me any more questions now."

Some tam' if I ever have bad enemy w'at I like to see catch hell I'm goin' turn 'im loose 'mong dose skeeter-bug." "Holy Mackinaw!" ejaculated Gale. "Who'd ever think of that? Why, that's worse than dropping water on his skull till he goes crazy, like them Chinamen do." The Frenchman nodded. "It's de wors' t'ing I know. Dat's w'y I lak' to geeve it to my enemy."

"The senor is reech man's son, eh? Those do not geeve the appearance." With supreme insolence he touched one of the buttons upon Kirk's linen uniform with his cane, whereat the American snatched the stick out of his hand, broke it, and tossed it into the street.

They no think look where we go. See?" "Oh, I can't go to Payson," exclaimed the other girl. "Someone would be sure to recognize me." "You come in house with me," Giova assured her, "I feex you so your own mother no know you. You mens come too. I geeve you what to wear like Gypsy mens. We got lots things. My father, him he steal many things from our people after they drive us out.

As they stood talking it over the two heroes had nothing to say, of course, and 'Pollo began rolling a cigarette an art he had learned from the man from New Orleans. Finally he remarked, "Yas, Miss Lily got sev'al mighty nice presents last night." At this Pierre turned, laughing, and said, "I s'pose you geeve 'er somet'ing too, eh?" "Pity you hadn't a-give her dat silk hankcher.

The Mexican rose to his feet and began hesitatingly: "Geeve me " He paused; and then, starting with the thought that had come to him, he shot a glance at the dance-hall and called out loudly, rolling his r's even more pronouncedly than is the custom with his race: "Aguardiente! Aguardiente!"

"She weel not let you." At this moment Mrs. Morton rose and changed her seat, placing herself at Carker's side as she laughingly observed: "Don't let me interrupt you. When the señorita has finished I will take a little of your time just a little." Juanita flashed her a look. "I am sure Señor Carkaire weel geeve you the time now," she said. "Eet ees not important what I have to say."

"I wish you would," Jean replied as she seated herself upon the rugs and furs. "I want to know." The Indian woman threw a couple of sticks upon the fire, and then faced the girl. She reached out and touched the little arrow-brooch with the forefinger of her right hand. "Dane geeve babby dat, eh?" she asked. "Why, yes, how did you know that?" "Injun know much," and the woman smiled as she spoke.

So, you see, he's not the most enviable of mortals." "Much better she have be careful," said the Spanish woman; "some day he feel tire out and go to lover someone else. Please you geeve me some more clarette?" "Here comes Sir Dafyd," said the Englishman, as he filled her glass. "It has taken him a long time to find out how she is."