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"Beeg chief," he continued, much pleased at the pale-face woman's interest. "You got all same peegee? You savvy 'um?" Constance shook her head and smiled. "No, not like these. But I have one here," and she drew forth Kenneth's picture from beneath her jacket. "See." The chief took it in his trembling hand, and held it up close to the candle.

"Jennie no lie!" and the maiden, with fear all gone and an indignant mien, looked unwaveringly into the villain's eyes. "Me tell true. Me Clistin. Me no lie! You laugh at peegee in box. You put down cover lak dat," and she slapped her hands together. "You lock box. You trow key in stove. You laugh, bad, ugh!"

Finding it was safe, he appeared more satisfied, but still seemed much puzzled as he laid the two together and gazed earnestly upon them. "All same peegee," he exclaimed at length. "You savvy 'um?" "Yes," replied Constance, trembling with intense eagerness. "My brother." "Ah," came the slow, unsatisfactory response. "You know him?" she continued. The old man shook his head. "Me no savvy."

The woman chuckled and reached out a scrawny hand for the photograph. "See um, peegee?" she demanded. Constance nodded. "Black bear geeve um dis." "Black bear!" queried Constance in surprise, not knowing that this was the most offensive epithet in the Tukudh vocabulary. Again the old woman chuckled and grinned, exhibiting her toothless gums.