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But as she returned the sisterly kiss, in token of perfect reconciliation, she could not suppress the gentle reproof "Effie, if ye will learn fule sangs, ye might make a kinder use of them."

Come up now, I beg of you, and watch with me. He might die at any moment." And Meynell put out his hand kindly toward the woman standing in the shadow, as though to lead her. But she stepped backward. "I know what I'm about," she said, breathing quick. "He made a fule o' me wi' that wanton Lizzie Short, and he near killt me the last morning afore he went.

"Why, I wus a huntin' fer a hoss thar et ther picket post whin ye scared up ther bunch, an' by some sort a fule luck I got hole o' thet one, an' tuke arter ye, tho' in course I didn't know who it wus raised sich a rumpus, it wus so durned dark.

Eh!" sighed the sage of Craig Fernie, "it's a short life wi' that nuptial business, and a merry one! A mouth for yer billin' and cooin'; and a' the rest o' yer days for wondering ye were ever such a fule, and wishing it was a' to be done ower again. Ye'll be for a bottle o' sherry wine, nae doot? and a drap toddy afterwards, to do yer digestin' on?"

"Ou ay!" was the slow answer "But my name's no Tonald, it's just Jamie." Captain Derrick laughed jovially. "Beg pardon! Jamie, then! Did you see the yacht?" "Ou ay! I've seen her mony a day. She's a real shentleman." I smiled. "The yacht?" Jamie looked up at me. "Ah, my leddy, ye'll pe makin' a fule o' Jamie wi' a glance like a sun-sparkle on the sea!

A month 't was, or might be three weeks. Like a bolt from the blue it falled 'pon me an' that's a fact. An' I heard how you knawed the thing you as had such gude cause to hate un wance." "'Once?" "Well, no man's hate can outlive his reason, surely? I was with 'e, tu, then; but a man what lets himself suffer lifelong trouble from a fule be a fule himself.

"I were wonderin' what that old fule Amos'll say when we drive back wi'out Jarge." Being come to the parting of the ways, I descended from the cart, for my head was strangely heavy, and I felt much out of sorts, and, though the day was still young I had no mind for work.

I know whatte they want, so I run to the door to throw wide, and whatte I see but that devil Franco lock it and stan in front. I jump on him so can scratch his eyes out, but he keeck me in the estomac and for few minutes I no know it nothing. "When I opa my eyes, the room is fule de Indians, and in the iron the house I hear my señora and Doña Ester scream, scream, scream.

What the professor said of him, when he recovered his breath, I cannot repeat, not because I do not remember it, but because there is a line, and one must draw it. Let it be sufficient to say that on the subject of Mr. Hawk he saw eye to eye with the citizen who had described him as a "girt fule." I could not help thinking that my fellow conspirator did well to keep out of it all.

"Damn 'em, yes; a hell o' a fight," he admitted bitterly. "Reckoned we hed a soft job yere, an' lots o' ther stuff fer ther boys. They've got some Yanks in thar with repeatin' rifles, but I reckon as whin Red once gits hold on 'em, they'll dance ter another tune." "Ye mean ter stick it out, then?" "Stick it out? I reckon ye don't know Red, er ye wouldn't be askin' sich a fule question.