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"Helen," said Betty, a spoonful of hot coffee held aloft in one hand, consternation hiding her dimples, "what in the world shall I do? I told you I hadn't studied anything, and I can't flunk now." "Oh, they won't call on you to-day," said Helen hopefully, counting the Dramatic Club pins that made Betty's shirt-waist look like a small section of a jeweler's window.

It's mighty lucky Georgie Merriles was in New York or she'd never have lent them to me." "And now," said Patty, as, the three courses disposed of, she tucked the freshman into bed, "we'll map out a campaign. While eight hours are pretty serious, they are not of necessity deadly. What made you flunk Latin prose?" "I never had any before I came, and when I told Miss "

I wasn't going to flunk on that, you can bet, but I thought if I told them about the footprint they'd let Westy and me off for a little while, because if a scout is after a merit badge he can usually get leave all right. Anyway, that's the way it is in our troop. And all the fellows knew I had the tracking bee, all right. Gee, I hate to tell you about this, but I have to.

"It's the postman," suggested Uncle Tom, wickedly. "It's Peter!" cried Honora, triumphantly, from the hall as she flunk open the door, letting in a breath of cold Christmas air out of the sunlight. It was Peter, but a Peter who has changed some since perambulator days, just as Honora has changed some.

"But you're dropped if you flunk eight hours; you told me so yourself." "Don't believe anything I told you," said Patty, reassuringly. "I don't know what I'm talking about more than half the time." "I'd hate to be sent back, and have my father know I'd failed, when he spent so much time preparing me; but" Olivia began to cry again "I want to go back so much that I don't believe I care."

"If I pass, I get my choice of three dandy fishing rods," he explained to Rosemary. "And if I flunk, I have to work in the garden all summer without a single fishing trip." This state of suspense extended to the last day of the term. The senior classes, in the high and grammar schools, were given their ratings earlier, to allow them to prepare for the graduating exercises.

The three looked at one another again. "I couldn't do anything like that." "Nor I." "Nor I." "Nor any one else," said Patty. "We can flunk Latin and math; but if we flunk any more we're gone." "I believe so," said Patty. "And I'm awfully shaky in German." "And I in French." "And I in Greek." "I don't know anything about German," said Patty. "Never had it myself.

Huxter on particular business! Pray, beg Mr. Huxter to come in," said Pen, amused rather; and not the less so when poor Sam appeared before him. "Pray take a chair, Mr. Huxter," said Pen, in his most superb manner. "In what way can I be of service to you?" "I had rather not speak before the flunk before the man, Mr. Pendennis:" on which Mr. Arthur's attendant quitted the room.

To-day Betty found it impossible to fix her mind on the brisk discussions, and half in a dream heard Libbie flunk dismally. When next she was conscious of what was going on about her she had been turning Libbie's troubles over and over in her mind without result Miss Jessup was speaking to her class about the "association of ideas."

"I'm afraid I am," she confessed. "Well, I dare say you deserved to flunk in that. You can tutor it up and pass it off in the spring. How about geometry?" "I thought I knew that, only she didn't ask what I expected and " "An unfortunate circumstance, but it will happen. Could you review it up a little and take a reëxamination right away?"