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You always think you know best. You're always preaching and advising. You wanted to make me flunk. You knew it would make my ears ring and my head whirl. You did it on purpose. I shall never forgive you, never, never, never!" "What!" At the tone Ethelwynne suddenly shivered, threw herself on the couch, and fell to crying weakly. "I didn't mean it. I didn't mean it at all.

Lady Clara groaned. "I'm awfully shaky in geometry, Patty. Do they flunk many girls in that?" "Many!" said Patty. "The mere clerical labor of writing out the notes occupies the department two days." "Is the examination terribly hard?" "I don't remember much about it. It's been such a long time since I was a freshman, you see.

"I'm worried to death for fear you'll forget that you're too blamed good for any of them." "What a conscientious duenna you are!" she told him, "but rest easy; I'm thoroughly homesick, and ready to flunk it all at the first good excuse. I'll make you a promise, Johnnie. If I decide to fall in love with any of these ragged heroes I'll choose you.

Fitzgerald had failed in the Greek recitation during the day, and that in school parlance is sometimes termed a "flunk." He bit his lip in mortification at this reference, and walked away, leaving Oscar master of the situation. "You had the best of him there, Vincent," said George Sanborn. "He has gone off in disgust." "I like to see Fletcher taken down," said Henry Fairbanks.

"Roger," said Tom, "both Astro and I really appreciate it. But you wouldn't want the Capella unit to flunk out of the Academy, would you?" Roger gnawed at his thumbnail and then looked at his two unit mates sheepishly. "You're right, fellas," he said. "It was kind of a dirty trick. Give me the spools. I'll take them back to Tony right now." "Wait a minute!" exclaimed Astro. "It's after hours.

Maud said, instantly; and Polly walked over to Fanny. She was crying on Betty's shoulder. "Take me out," she sobbed, as Polly came up. "I'm no good on earth." "You are quite right; you aren't," Polly replied, sternly. "I never saw such a silly exhibition of flunk. If I had any one to put in your place, I would; but you know I haven't." Betty looked up in surprise.

"Do don't you really know what I wanted you out here for?" "Perhaps to insult me further. Pellams!" impetuously, "why did you do it?" "What? flunk?" "No. Cut those dances." "You ought to know!" "Yes; I do know, and your wanting to go to Mayfield was a good, gentlemanly excuse, and I ought to accept it, I suppose.

"I don't think it is a straight thing for me to translate your Latin for you every day, Van," he said at last. "You ought not to ask me to do it." "I know it; it's mighty low down I acknowledge that," answered Van frankly. "But what would you have me do? Flunk it? Come on. I'll get it myself next time." "That's what you always say, Van, but you never do." "But I tell you I will.

No need for him to look at the rest of the questions, and even if he did know the answers to two or three, there was no use in writing them down. It would not prevent the flunk. Besides, his arm hurt him too much to write. It hurt his eyes to look at the blackboard, and his eyes hurt even when they were closed; and it seemed positively to hurt him to think.

"I'm so glad to know you," she said, "and I think I'm going to like you. I'm not so sure about liking college, even though I've worked so hard to get here. I hope to goodness I don't flunk in the exams." "I am sure that any friend of Mabel's is bound to be ours also," said Miriam courteously. She had not made up her mind regarding the newcomer. "Thank you.