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"Got down to the last ditch down to the point of desperation, eh?" "Yuss. So would you if you 'ad a fing inside you tearin' and tearin' like I 'ave. Aren't et a bloomin' crumb since the day before yusterday at four in the mawnin' when a gent in an 'ansom drunk as a lord, he was treated me and a parcel of others to a bun and a cup of corfy at a corfy stall over 'Ighgate way.

"Aunt Izzie put a fing out of a bottle on it, and the bump all went away. Shall I go and ask her to put some on you too I will." And she ran toward the door. "Oh, no!" cried Katy, "don't go away, Elsie. Come here and kiss me, instead." Elsie turned as if doubtful whether this invitation could be meant for her. Katy held out her arms.

The clock ticked in the silence like blows. "You are a little cat, Beat," he said at length, half apologetically. "Well, you shouldn't be brazen," she replied. There was again a long silence. He whistled to himself like a man much agitated but defiant. Suddenly she went across to him and kissed him. "Did it, pore fing!" she mocked. He lifted his face, smiling curiously. "Kiss?" he invited her.

It's a vewy bad fing to be in love." I threw Angel a bitter look. This was his doing. So, contemptuously, had he treated my confidence, made as man to man. To tell the irresponsible Seraph of all people! "What's that, Alexander?" questioned Mrs. Handsomebody, sharply. "It's love," replied The Seraph, meekly, "you catch it off a girl. John's got it." Mrs.

Saw many very picturesque and rocky hills during the march, and in the evening halted at the village of Falifing, which is situated on the summit of the ascent which separates the Ba lee from the Ba fing. Lost one ass, and 80lbs. of balls on the march. June 23d.

'Here I've been a whole day offul good by my lone self; haven't said one notty word or did one notty fing, nor gotted scolded a singul wunst, did I, Lubin? I guess we better live here; bettent we, Lubin? And ven we wunt git stuck inter bed fur wettin' our feets little teenty mites of wet ev'ry singul night all the livelong days, will we, Lubin?

She brought him up, and from what I can find out, he turned out pretty bad." "Tck, tck." Mr. Watlin was moved. "It was very sad for the lidy, but 'e's dead now, poor chap! We must speak no ill of the dead." "It's a vewy bad fing to be dead," interposed The Seraph, sententiously, "you can't eat, you can't dwink, an' you just fly 'wound an' 'wound, lookin' for somefing to light on!"

"He was going to be back to dinner." "I go round de oder way. Mass' say I chop wood, and I was going to chop wood till I hear you say Morgan you go for walk, and I know you go for 'wim." "Well?" "Pomp very hurt upon Mass' George." "Oh, were you?" I said. "Mass' George say cruel fing to Pomp, so um go an' fess de ole 'gator head, and undress umself, an' get in de water firs, an' fright um."

The "Journal" she hugged to her heart, and her short dress she held up to her waist, "'Cause I s'pect I mus' keep it out o' the mud," said she, as anxiously as any lady with a train. She had no trouble in finding the church, for the road was straight, but the cane kept tripping her up. "Naughty fing!

"An' you might take fings to eat wif you," suggested Toddie, "an' when you got real tired and felt bad, you might stop and have a little picnic. I fink that would be dzust the fing for a man wif the toothache. And we could help you lotsh." "I'll see how I feel after dinner," said Mr. Burton. "But what are you going to do for me between now and then, to make me feel better?"