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A faithful description of this place would certainly be deemed a fiction. In the course of the march saw several villages romantically situated in the crescents formed by the rocky precipices; the medium height of these precipices is from one hundred to five or six hundred feet perpendicular. The whole country between the Ba fing and Ba lee is rugged and grand beyond any thing I have seen.

"Tell the people in this house that I shake off the dust of my feet against them," wheezed the stranger, indignantly. "The dust of my feet do you hear?" "What a wicked, disagreeable old thing!" murmured Jennie Vance. "Dish-gwee-bly old fing!" cried "Flyaway," nodding her head till her hair danced like little tufts of corn-silk. "I'm glad I didn't give him any of my money," said Jennie, loftily.

But, observing the improved state of our manufactures, and our manifest superiority in the arts of civilized life, he would sometimes appear pensive, and exclaim with an involuntary sigh, fato fing inta feng, "black men are nothing."

He chewed in silence for a moment and then he made one of those seemingly irrelevant remarks of his that, somehow, always set our little world a-rocking. "One fing about Lucy," he said, "she was always sweet-tempud." "Who?" snapped Mrs. Handsomebody. "Lucy " repeated The Seraph. "Such a sweet-tempud gell." Mrs. Handsomebody leaned over him, and gobbled and threatened.

Was she thinking of that brother on whom the Scotch mist was falling so remorselessly? The Seraph was speaking. "It's a vewy bad fing to be dead," he was saying reminiscently , "you can't eat, you can't dwink, an' you jus' fly awound lookin' for somefing to light on!" I trembled for him, but Mrs. Handsomebody, lost in thought, gave no heed to him. At last she raised her eyes.

"Well, that wouldn't have mattered very much for once. And perhaps it would have been a good fing; perhaps Grandmamma would have told Cook not to send up quite so much, and " "Why do you say that now?" said Duke rather crossly; "it's only making it all worser and worser. I wish "

"My wife. She's fey, and I'm fearing she'll drown herself." "It's a very bad fing to be drowned," put in The Seraph, as we all set off together. "'Cos a bath in a tub is wet enough." What a chill, dark night it was growing! The Cathedral clock struck a hollow warning note as we passed. We heard the beat of wings as the pigeons settled for the night.

One, John Smith, a genial hybrid, commanded them, and presently a great shout arose, when it transpired that he had secured choice of innings. The Doctor said, in a tone of reproof: "Hang it, John, you've only won the toss. You couldn't make a bigger row if you'd won the match." "Great fing to go in fus, sar," explained John; "we go in fus now, when we's fresh."

When she came slowly back, the Swede boy was again stretched upon his stomach, and watching a hole nearer the center of the meadow. The little girl did not follow him, but stayed on the rim and pityingly viewed the limp gopher that lay, with eyes half closed, breast still, and tail thin and lifeless. "Poor fing!" she said sympathetically, "it's 'cause you stealed the corn."

But Winocewus had to be tooked such care wof for fear of bweaking his horn an' Berta was such a little fing, vat vat " "That you wouldn't let her play with Rhinoceros. And you think it wasn't quite fair, or quite kind, and now you're sorry?" Hammy sniffed dolorously, and two large tears splashed down. "I'm sowwy.