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"Got down to the last ditch down to the point of desperation, eh?" "Yuss. So would you if you 'ad a fing inside you tearin' and tearin' like I 'ave. Aren't et a bloomin' crumb since the day before yusterday at four in the mawnin' when a gent in an 'ansom drunk as a lord, he was treated me and a parcel of others to a bun and a cup of corfy at a corfy stall over 'Ighgate way.

Besides, you don't see parties as goes in for the other thing walkin' round with ribs on 'em like bed-slats, and not even the price of a cup of corfy in their pockets, do you? No fear! I wouldn't've 'urt the young lydie; but I tell you strite, I'd a took every blessed farthin' she 'ad on her if you 'adn't've dropped on me like this."

The gas, close over our heads, nigh made our brains bile over, so sez I, "Let's make tracks out of this, Squire. This parfume of humanity is horrid unhandsome." "Let's have a cup of corfy," says he, "to repare exhorsted natur." "A sherry cobbler would be more to the purpose," says I, "but if they hev none of them coolin drinks at art sworricks, here goes for the Moky."

"I didn't go for to do it," sez I, "and jest put the Sadll on the right hoss, mister," I continerred. "If this femail behind didn't carry so much slack foresail, she wuddn't hev entangled my spars and careened me over." Arter this I would try no more of their all-fired corfy. Squire had had enough of the Sworrick, so we made tracks for the Ho-tell.