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But when Marie Antoinette consented when she used her influence with the king, to satisfy the wishes of her friends, and to make ministers of her facon then the queen's enemies, with loud, mad-dog cry, lifted up the voice and complained and clamored that it was no more the king but the queen who reigned; that she was the one who precipitated the nation into wretchedness and want; that she gave millions to her friends, whilst the people were perishing with hunger; that she sent millions to her brother, the Emperor of Austria, whilst the country was only able to pay the interest of her enormous debt; that she, in unrestrained appetite and licentiousness, lived only for pleasure and festivities, whilst France was depressed under misery and want.

"I was mistaken also, it appears. I fancied you were indisposed, but that was a mere façon de parler, no doubt. My cousin is getting on, isn't she, Starr?" Willa flushed, but Starr Wiley replied easily: "We were just renewing our acquaintanceship, Miss Murdaugh and I met in Limasito, you know." "How unfortunate!" Angie tittered. "Just when Willa was so successfully living down the past, too!

On doit saisir le mot echappe au Nomade, et ne pas l'obliger a le repeter, car il le changera selon so, facon, says Paspati. Unused to abstract efforts of memory, all that he can retain is the sense of his last remark, and very often this is changed with the fleeting second by some associated thought, which materially modifies it.

The circumstances might have elicited laughter; but the contingency, turn whatever way it might, was too serious to admit of levity on my part. Either horn of the dilemma presented a sharp point. To suffer one's-self to be killed, in this sans facon, was little else than suicide while to kill, smacked strongly of murder!

Caroline shook her loose ringlets of abundant but somewhat coarse hair over her rolling black eyes; parting her lips, as full as those of a hot-blooded Maroon, she showed her well-set teeth sparkling between them, and treated me at the same time to a smile "de sa facon." Beautiful as Pauline Borghese, she looked at the moment scarcely purer than Lucrece de Borgia. Caroline was of noble family.

Indeed, prior to 1888, few Kĕlantan men dared to set foot in Pahang, for, as an old Chief once said in my presence, the only use a Pahang native had for a Kĕlantan Malay, before the coming of the white men, was 'as a thing wherewith to sharpen the blade of his dagger, and this, be it remembered, is not a mere façon de parler.

Bertie Tremaine, and received not only the congratulations of that gentleman, but an invitation to dine with him on the morrow; "quite sans facon." Mr. Bertie Tremaine, who had early succeeded to the family estate, lived in Grosvenor Street, and in becoming style. His house was furnished with luxury and some taste.

"Come, come," said I, "the gold of the box may be worth nine guineas, and the facon we will put at six more." "One tausend guineas!" he screeched. "One tausend and fifty pound dere!" and he sank back in his chair no, by the way, on his bench, for he was sitting with his back to one of the partitions of the boxes, as I dare say James remembers.

"C'est sa facon de tout voir, au contraire, ma mere," significantly returned Monsieur Paul, with his knowing smile. The mother's shrug answered the smile, as both mother and son walked in different directions across the sunlit court. I have always found the act of going away contagious. Who really enjoys being left behind, to mope in a corner of the world others have abandoned?

Forster, sans façon, put the book in his pocket and took it away home, confiscated it in fact. There was a great hubbub. The committee met, determined that their property had been taken away, and demanded that it should be brought back. Forster flatly refused; defied the Club to do its worst. Secretary, solicitors, and every means were used to bring him to reason.